Quiet Leadership
Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Unleashed, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Quiet Leadership

Most every successful writer, athlete, or entertainer will cite one or two people who were catalytic in launching their careers. In family histories, most of us have “moments” that were impactful or family members who did something to inspire or encourage us. In the journey of faith, each of us has the power and potential of being that person for someone else.

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Giving Directions
Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Giving Directions

What if you were able to read the newspaper that was to be published three years from now? All the news then is still our future. But because you are the only reader, you have insight no one else has. It would be troubling and exciting at the same time. Such was the experience of Daniel as he was given a glimpse into the future by God.

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The Power of Consistency
Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

The Power of Consistency

Chicken or egg? You know the question: which came first? When we consider life, which comes first, consistency or opportunity and influence? If our lives were a book and people were turning the pages from chapter to chapter, what would they see? As we have done so with Daniel’s life, there is a thread that traces down from beginning to end: the thread of consistency. We will see the outcome of a consistent life as we continue our series “Long Haul Leadership" and look at one of the most famous stories in the biblical narrative in Daniel 6.

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Speed Limits
Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Speed Limits

People who have had a huge impact over time are those who have stood out from the crowd, who have had the courage to stand alone. Their actions are so stark that it cannot go unnoticed. This week we will see how one act of courage can impact a whole nation, and that act of courage could be yours.

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Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Long Haul Leadership, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Truckers spend long hours alone, delivering the goods for the rest of us. But when issues start happening on the road, you find the truckers band together to assist each other. This contributes to the safety and longevity for each of them for the long haul. This week we will see how banning together for the common good is a key to longevity in our faith journey.

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Righteous Resistance
Start Rebuilding, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

Righteous Resistance

What can we do? That is the cry we hear most frequently when we feel like the systems we have relied on forever have become corrupt. The only option seems to be radical resistance. But what if that radical resistance is not using power against power but rather us simply doing what is right no matter what everyone else is doing? Standing for the good is God’s solution for a broken world.

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Standing Against Evil
Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Standing Against Evil

I have gone through many seasons as a dad. Seasons where I have felt in control and at full capacity, and seasons where I was in desperate need of help. Those seasons seem to fluctuate fairly often as God teaches me more about myself and builds me up in His image. I love how God continually tells us to not be afraid and to stand firm. Those commands can be challenging during these crazy days but, nonetheless, they remain. How do we stand firm? How do we live, parent, and engage in this world without fear? These are great questions that we will explore as we gather together on Father's Day and celebrate dads ... and that's no joke.

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What is Missing that We Can Fill?
Start Rebuilding, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Justin Jones Eastern Hills Church

What is Missing that We Can Fill?

As we have been learning about leadership this year the thought may have crossed your mind: but how do I actually exercise the role I have been given in order to impact the world for God’s glory? In this new series called, “Start Rebuilding,” we will be looking at the book of Nehemiah and how God directed him to start rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in a time of brokenness. We begin by asking the question, “What is missing that we can fill?”

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BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church


Jesus brings extreme clarity about the relationship between attitude or motivation and action. And in the midst of His discussion, He gives the key to true transformation for our lives, a transformation that gives both freedom and a basis for powerful convictions.

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BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church


Unless you are on a no sodium diet, most of us would say a tasteless meal needs some _____? You walk into a dark room, and you turn on a _____? Flavor is needed in the first instance, and we need help to see in the second. Such is life. And such is the call of Jesus on our lives, to be _____ and _____.

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I Choose
BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

I Choose

Jesus let us know that in this world we, as His followers, will face persecution. It is a given. But a key phrase that is vital for us to remember is about the why. Twice He says, “for the sake of righteousness” or “for My sake.” We can be resilient in the face of these things when our why has to do with Jesus and not ourselves or our affiliations.

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What Are You Hungry For?
BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Pat Jones Eastern Hills Church

What Are You Hungry For?

What would you like to see happen in the world more than anything? Power against power does not work. But power under control with a clear goal in mind can make a huge change in the world. A seated Rosa Parks changed a culture. A repentant John Newton changed a country. And a hungry "you" can be used to change a community.

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Attitudes Worth Catching
BE Attitudes, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Attitudes Worth Catching

We work hard at NOT getting sick, not catching a virus or a bug that might knock us out of work or infect the rest of the family. Unfortunately, we don’t spend the same amount of effort in fending off attitudes. Attitudes are contagious and they are everywhere. Some attitudes are worth catching and can greatly impact your life, some are not so great and can severely kill your joy. This week we will look at the teachings of Jesus as He explains what attitudes are non-optional for those who seek to follow Him.

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