We offer many opportunities throughout the church to help you become
real, rooted, and ready to be more like Jesus.
We have small groups for men, women, married couples, singles and those with special needs.
If you are interested in finding out more about leading or hosting a small group, please contact Nancy Carmichael at
Right Now Media features over 10,000 videos for all ages. We are giving everyone in our church family access to this FREE resource in hopes that you will be able to log in and watch John Piper, Tim Keller, Priscilla Shirer, Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels, as well as a kids section featuring Veggie Tales, Paws and Tales and many more on your tablet, phone, computer or TV.
We as a church want to empower, equip you and resource you as you seek to follow Jesus together, loving seeking and serving others.
Click here to set up a brand new account, otherwise click the button below to login.