We Get To…
Mat Dawson, Zume Eastern Hills Church Mat Dawson, Zume Eastern Hills Church

We Get To…

I hear many people talking about Jesus coming back and I wonder about the motivation. Why do they want Him to return? If He did return soon, where would He find our hearts? What would He find me busy doing?

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Redeeming, Restoring, and Renewing HOME
Formed and Filled, Donna Zangara, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church Formed and Filled, Donna Zangara, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Redeeming, Restoring, and Renewing HOME

Everyone longs for "home," but its definition has different meanings for everyone. Ever since the Fall, our perfect environment has been broken and messy. BUT God!! God is at work in His restoration process that involves us all. He is at work to “form us” and to “fill us” and that process takes time, patience, and great care.

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Standing Against Evil
Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church Start Rebuilding, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Standing Against Evil

I have gone through many seasons as a dad. Seasons where I have felt in control and at full capacity, and seasons where I was in desperate need of help. Those seasons seem to fluctuate fairly often as God teaches me more about myself and builds me up in His image. I love how God continually tells us to not be afraid and to stand firm. Those commands can be challenging during these crazy days but, nonetheless, they remain. How do we stand firm? How do we live, parent, and engage in this world without fear? These are great questions that we will explore as we gather together on Father's Day and celebrate dads ... and that's no joke.

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Attitudes Worth Catching
BE Attitudes, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church BE Attitudes, Mat Dawson Eastern Hills Church

Attitudes Worth Catching

We work hard at NOT getting sick, not catching a virus or a bug that might knock us out of work or infect the rest of the family. Unfortunately, we don’t spend the same amount of effort in fending off attitudes. Attitudes are contagious and they are everywhere. Some attitudes are worth catching and can greatly impact your life, some are not so great and can severely kill your joy. This week we will look at the teachings of Jesus as He explains what attitudes are non-optional for those who seek to follow Him.

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