Spring of Hope
Donna Zangara, Executive Director of Next Generation Ministries
Spring is almost here, and I think we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief! This winter brought its fair share of snow, freezing temperatures, and the kind of cold that makes you question all your life choices. But now, it’s time to thaw out and embrace the warmth. Those first sunny days of spring? Oh, they have us feeling like new people, right? It’s like nature’s little reset button. And speaking of resets, I’m so thankful that this journey with Jesus is like a never-ending fountain of hope. It’s not always smooth sailing, though—there are trials, struggles, and unexpected plot twists. But somehow, it's all part of the epic adventure of hope.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably had those moments where you look up and say, “Lord, what are you trying to teach me through this?” After all, it’s in the unexpected bumps that we build resilience. Billy Graham said it best: “Patience includes perseverance—the ability to bear up under weariness, strain, and persecution when doing the work of the Lord.”
And then, just like that first warm spring sunshine, it hit me. Maybe the lesson here is patience. Specifically, how I approach the waiting part of perseverance—the attitude I choose to carry through the struggles.
I also came across this gem of a quote from Rev. David Morgan:
“Patience is the ability to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Perseverance, on the other hand, is continued steady belief or efforts in spite of discouragement or difficulty. It's one of the most difficult qualities to develop in this fast-paced, impatient world.”
It’s so easy to get swept up in the impatience of it all. But just like how spring brings growth and renewal, I’m asking the Lord to help me grow in patience alongside perseverance.
There’s hope for me, and there’s hope for you too, especially if you're in a season where both perseverance and patience are needed. Just like the soil that nurtures the seed, there’s fertile ground for both to grow in our hearts. So let's take a deep breath and trust that even in the waiting, we’re becoming who we're meant to be.