Never Stop Learning
Peter Gabucci / Director of Student Ministries
When I was interviewed for the position of Student Ministry Director at Eastern Hills Church, I was asked if I would be willing to take classes to gain my pastoral licensure. My first thought was, “Absolutely! That would be amazing!” The more I started thinking on it, though, the more the thought ran through my head of “do I REALLY want to go BACK TO SCHOOL?” I had been a teacher in the classroom for sixteen years. I very much enjoyed that part of school, but was I ready to go from the front of the room to a desk in the room?
As I am writing this in preparation for it to post on the church blog, I am in the middle of my first class toward my goal! In my class there are young people, “legacy builders” as I like to say, men, women, moms, dads, experienced pastors, and lay pastors. With so many different levels of knowledge and experience among us, the conversations in our class have been amazing! I have already learned so much about things I never knew I never knew. My fears and anxieties about being at the desk and not behind the lectern all melted away when the first class commenced. I say all of that to say this: you’re never too _____ to learn something new! You fill in that blank with whatever word fits best for you. Here are a few words to choose from: old, experienced, smart, knowledgeable, important, late … all of those apply to my situation, and I am sure some apply to you, too.
What does the Bible say about learning? I’m glad you asked! Proverbs 1:5 says, “A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.” I’ve never known the Bible to give bad advice! Now, take it to heart and go learn something new today! You’ll be glad you did!