Falling Snow

Krisha Gabucci

We recently moved from south Texas to Western New York. We have embraced the changing of the seasons that we have not experienced in the last 20+ years living in the south.

This winter has brought with the colder temperatures … snow! I love to watch when it falls so gracefully with fluffy flakes that cover the world in white. And some days, the temps have risen high enough for the snow to start to melt. Then there is a lot of slush and mud. At least twice a day, I take our dog out to walk the property and then the ground is full of puppy dog and snow boot tracks. But then, so beautifully overnight, more snow falls, and in the morning, the ground is covered again. So white, so clean.

It reminds me of several verses in Lamentations 3. “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” I thank the Lord that every day when I make mistakes and mess ups that Jesus forgives me and that His compassion never fails! New every morning, like fresh fallen snow covering all the mud and tracks! Great is His faithfulness!


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