Defining Moments

“Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. Then he said to him, “Follow me!”” John 21:18-19

We all have them. They are moments that change our lives. They are encounters that define and transform us. Peter’s moment spanned a courtyard to a beach. After boasting greatly that he would never let Jesus get arrested or harmed, he denied that he even knew Jesus. Luke tells us that at the moment of the third denial, and the rooster crowing a third time, that Jesus looked across the courtyard at Peter, caught his eye, and Peter remembered Jesus words. It stabbed his heart like a dagger.

Now they stand on a beach after Jesus asked if Peter loved Him, asking three times. Same as the times of denial. Here is the moment. The big talking Peter is humbled to hear that difficult days are ahead for him, when he will not be in control of the events of his life. But these events will glorify God. And Jesus simply restates the invitation, no command, that was given Peter at the beginning of their relationship: “Follow me.”

All the people we will hear about tonight at our Good Friday service had defining moments, points in their lives where following Jesus meant abandoning control and embracing the pursuit. It meant trusting for provision and presence. It meant that no matter what was happening with others, their mission was simply keeping their eyes on Jesus.

Question: What has been your defining moment? Have you had one? Are you in one? Where did it lead you?


Pleasing God


Tears and Singing