Tears and Singing

“Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Psalms 126:5-6

I sat down with some distraught parents and listened to their story. I listened to their story. Years of tears, prayers, patience, and pleading. Day after day they repeated their heart’s desire for wholeness and peace in the troubled mind (and soul) of their son. On the one hand, he was a sweet kid. But the other side, what felt like the Jekyll side, was rebellious, obstinate, and self-destructive. Yet they pushed on, day after day. And they relied on the only consistent resource they knew, the Word of God. They repeated it. They meditated on it. They prayed it.

Then one day … something changed. A new look came over their son’s face. A soft look. A repentant look. A child-like look. Tear-stained eyes were replaced by joy-filled spirits. Cries and pleadings were put aside for praise songs and testimonies. Their son had turned to Christ and was made new. A harvest of righteousness had filled his life. And they rejoiced in the power of God to transform.

Our fifth question is simply, who are we crying over? Who are we praying for? What weapons are we using in our warfare on their behalf?


Defining Moments


The Jesus Way