Change = Growth

Peter Sklepik / Audio Coordinator

Why does change happen? That’s a question I consistently ask myself, because honestly, I don’t like change. If it was up to me, everything would stay the same. It’s comfortable, easy, doesn’t take much work, and predictable. Doesn’t that sound nice? There’s one big problem with that statement, but let’s come back to that later. Two years ago, the Lord told me to move away from my hometown to take a job that was on the opposite side of the spectrum to what I believe He has called me to do. As a result of that decision, I became a husband, I’m going to be a father, moved back to my hometown with my wife, and started a new job. Wow! That’s a lot!

Now the problem with everything staying the same is, YOU. NEVER. GROW. If a fruit tree could choose to stop growing at a certain point when it felt comfortable, it denies the very thing it was created to do. Bear fruit! There would be a fruit shortage as well. The whole purpose of our existence is to worship God, TRANSFORM (GROW) to look like Christ and spread the Gospel! If we stop doing any of those things, we deny the very thing God created us to do. When things change, whether they are good or bad, that’s an opportunity to draw close to Christ because in His presence is where you will find everything you need to deal with change.

Matthew 7:7 says “Ask, and it will be given: seek, and you will find: knock and it will be opened to you.” Don’t deny the very thing God created you to do! Seek Him!


Jesus Take the Wheel
