DAY 1:
Ministry: WWOW (Wonder Women of the Word)

“There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:18 

We had both become widows after many years of marriage and realized there were many others in our church in the same situation. We were praying for a new purpose in our lives and we both felt God calling us to start a ministry for widows - not a grief group, but a fellowship where women could be encouraged and supported during the difficult time of 'moving on' after the loss of their husbands. God brought us eight women in 2023, and we now have 20! They don't all come every month, but they know that when they do, they will be with women going through the same issues they are dealing with, and together, with God's loving comfort and guidance, they will be encouraged, loved and understood. Not only has it helped those coming to WWOW, but it has brought both of us closer to the Lord, and He has provided the purpose we were looking for. 
Please pray that God will continue to bring us more women going through this time of loss so they might experience the hope, encouragement, and healing that can come from being with others who understand how hard it is to lose their closest companion. 
Phyllis Bennett and Shirley Spillman

DAY 2:

Ministry: Cancer Care

 “... By His wounds you are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24 

The above scripture is about spiritual and physical healing. Cancer, no matter how big or small, is difficult. We feel horrible, we isolate ourselves and can feel even worse by not seeing others. I have been fighting two different cancers for two years with remission gained April 2023, and relapse that happened in September 2024. I feel like I lost my purpose for a long time. I started volunteering at Eastern Hills and joined Cancer Care. I pushed myself to go at times even when I was not feeling up to it and boy, I’m so glad that I did. I felt compelled. God works!!! I was able to learn from others how they went through their journey and how they coped. The program was led by a couple who walked through this fight both as a fighter and a caregiver. The videos we watched were so informative and helpful. I know it's hard to get up sometimes, to share such personal stories, but we as fighters past and present need to cope together in God's Word and share how we can move past the hurt and walk with God as we fight this horrible disease. 
Please pray for those fighting cancer past and present to come to the Cancer Care Ministry and share how God has worked in them through these difficult times. 
Patricia Ciliento-Hans

DAY 3:

Ministry: Thrive Singles Ministry

 “…whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”  Psalm 1:2-3 

“Thrive”! That’s our Singles Group’s name … and our mission! We pursue thriving in Christ.! The word thrive isn’t a sedentary word, it’s full of action! It requires obtaining the proper nutrients needed to flourish, grow, and produce fruit. The process involves both taking in ... and giving out. Looking at this from a spiritual perspective, the spiritual nutrients taken in determine the spiritual production. This requires us to take in delighting in the law of the Lord ... and meditating on it day and night! And it requires our giving out the different yields God produces in each of us. There’s no short cut, both are needed to spiritually thrive ... to flourish, grow, yield, and prosper in Him, and for Him. So, the pursuit is to root deeply in the midst of the Spiritual streams “delighting in meditating on the law of the Lord day and night” ... to spiritually thrive, yield fruit, and prosper!   

What a blessing Thrive has been to me personally and Spiritually.  The group is truly a "Christian family".  And as we study the depths of God's messages, we all deepen our Spiritual roots by hearing what God is speaking to each of us in the lesson.  What a blessing! 

Please pray for people to accept Christ’s living waters of forgiveness, and salvation. And pray for all to love our Lord, that joyous delight is had in meditating on His law day and night. May we all spiritually thrive! 

Debby Yager

DAY 4:

Ministry: EQUIP Young Adults 

And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 

My wife Emmalee and I have had the privilege of leading EQUIP, the new Young Adult Ministry at Eastern Hills, for the past year. As newlyweds, we struggled to find a community that fit our stage of life, so we prayed for opportunities—and the Lord answered quickly! Doors began to open, including the chance to speak during a Sunday sermon about the challenges facing our generation, followed by an invitation to start a ministry for young adults. Just a week before that, Emmalee’s brother had asked us a profound question: “Are you seeking how the church can serve you, or how YOU can serve the church?” That question, along with the Lord’s clear nudging, prompted us to step out in faith, trusting His guidance despite our doubts. We were nervous about taking on a leadership role, unsure how we’d manage another commitment, worried about attendance, and the list goes on—but God has been faithful every step of the way. This ministry has stretched and challenged us in ways we didn’t expect, but it’s also deepened our faith and shown us the joy of serving together as a married couple. Most importantly, we are incredibly blessed to witness young adults being equipped to thrive and navigate all that this world throws their way. 

Please pray that as we continue to invest in this ministry, our fellow young adults remain eager to build genuine community with one another and passionately seek the Lord in all aspects of their lives. 

Alex and Emmalee Kick 

DAY 5:


Throughout these 21 days of prayer and fasting we are hearing amazing stories about how God is working in and through the people and ministries of Eastern Hills Church.  On Sundays during this season, though, we want to do something different and turn the attention back to your own spiritual journey.  

Here is a question to reflect on today: What was your greatest testimony or blessing from 2024 and what did God teach you about yourself through that situation?     

If you feel so led, please text your testimony back to this number. 

DAY 6:

Ministry: Colson Fellows Church Affiliate Program 
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29: 10-11 

What does it mean to be a Christian in today’s culture? How can I better understand the world and explain my place in God’s story? These were just two questions I considered as I pondered retirement and looked for direction in the next chapter of life. It was in June 2023, after church, that I was approached to consider participating in Colson Fellows. This rigorous, 10-month discipleship program was not just a program, but a transformative journey designed to help me develop a deeper understanding of the Christian worldview and equip me to engage effectively in culture for the sake of the Gospel. As I dipped my feet into Christian apologetics, I realized that God had given me this cultural moment. He is a sovereign God who wants me to really know Him, and if I am open to His leading, He will help me find my engagement point and a place where I can respond. This grounding has helped me see my faith not just as a personal belief system, but as a framework for engaging the world with truth. Perhaps you, too, are facing similar questions and challenges, and are seeking to deepen your understanding of God’s Word and apply biblical principles to every area of life. Have you considered finding a place, like the Colson Fellows program, where you can be equipped to lead in your spheres of influence—whether in your family, workplace, church, or community—helping disciple others by modeling and teaching a Christ-centered life? 

Please pray for how we can be both salt and light shining in the darkness for all by opening the world's eyes to the truth of the Gospel, freeing us from sin, doubt, and fear. 

Scott Wolf 

DAY 7:

Ministry:  Student Ministries 
 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 
Kids and students at EHC have always been a priority for me, alongside my job as an educational aide at a public school, where I aimed to “let my light shine.” Although I am retired, I believe that our Lord has given me the ability to remember vividly the pain of growing up. In those days (speaking as a Gramma now), I was referred to as a “latch-key kid” from a “broken home.. Although I never could have imagined it, I see clearly now that what the enemy meant for evil, God intended for good! (Genesis 50:20 and Romans 8:28) The wounds of my youth have actually been a conduit to countless blessings; I truly understand and am able to empathize with the kids I consider a privilege to serve, and then I am filled with joy at making a deep connection with them! Sometimes my brain still thinks like a mixed-up middle schooler or a nutty, know-it-all teenager, but my adult heart aches for all our youth. You would be stunned to learn about the kinds of problems which they confront on a daily basis, and the concerns they share with me. I make it clear that I don’t have all the answers, but Jesus does! What a joy it is as “my girls” and I relax and talk together, encourage one another, giggle and sometimes frown ... learning about this Christian life as we journey alongside one another. 

Please pray for our Student Ministries. We pray for our leaders to be filled with both a burden for the needs of our students and love for helping fulfill them. We pray for the families of our students to become more whole this year in their service to and love for the Lord. May 2025 be a year of life change in EH Students! Amen! 

Mariella Heath 


DAY 8:

Ministry: Small Groups 
...whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” John 6:37 
My husband and I have had the privilege of building community in our home for close to 19 years. Our policy is simple: Come when you can and come as you are. I say “our” policy, but truly, it’s a policy that we’ve shamelessly lifted from Jesus; it was, after all His idea first! The Gospel, of course, is an invitation. We come to Him when we are willing. He doesn’t force us, He invites. We come to Him as we are. Thankfully He doesn’t leave us as we are, He transforms us! Over the years, people come and go, and we’ve experienced Jesus in our midst, working individually and collectively. We have been challenged, refined, encouraged, taught and transformed by every single person who has honored us by coming into our home.. There is always room at His table. And we hope to always have room at ours!   
Please pray for more people to come to the table … as leaders, hosts and participants! For authentic community to be built in Jesus’ name. 
Nancy Carmichael

DAY 9:

Ministry: Missions and Mobilization Board

“Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?” Matthew 25:44 
Jesus’s last public message was in Matthew 25 where He said, “I tell you the truth, whatever, you did for one of the least of these, you did it for me.” Also, before Jesus ascended into heaven, His last words to the eleven were, “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Matt 28:19)” Clearly these commands were extremely important to Jesus! Our church is committed to these scriptures by helping to spread the gospel by financially supporting several overseas missionaries, providing Bibles through the Kava Café, and of course, our long-term commitment to Operation Christmas Child. We are committed to supporting local ministries not only with finances, but through preparing meals for PATH, hosting a Christmas lunch for SonRays, participating in Friends Feeding Friends, providing Christmas and Mother’s Day dinners for Lighthouse, and collecting food, clothing, blankets and toys, just to name a few! Being part of the Mission Board brings me great pleasure in hearing the testimonies and reports of our wonderful missionaries. And great joy to see you, God’s people, sacrificially giving of themselves in service to others! 

Please pray that the Missions and Mobilization Board will use godly wisdom in making their decisions in stewarding the funds so generously given to missions. For all the missionaries we support here and abroad, that they will have the strength and courage to carry on the work God has called them to do. 

Nancy Piazza

DAY 10:

Ministry: Kava Café

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms … If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 4:10-11 
My joy in serving in the Kava Café is two-fold: First, I get to witness the fellowship and community that it has brought to our church. Folks enjoy eating with family and friends, and they stick around to mingle and get to know each other in a deeper way. Second, I have the privilege of laboring alongside the most dedicated and hardworking volunteers, who truly pour their hearts and souls into each and every order. We sincerely go the extra mile to make sure everyone who comes to the Café has a wonderful and uplifting experience; from the scripture verses on the bags, to the smiles and conversations, along with the “little extras” that go into making a happy customer. On a personal note, I have seen first-hand the effects of the efforts that are put forth from working at the Kava Café. I went to both China and Nepal on missions’ trips, and we had given out Bibles, clothing and school supplies that were directly purchased with the proceeds from the sales of food, coffee, and wonderful donations. 
Please pray for MORE workers – it takes many hands to pull off this operation each weekend! Pray for the beautiful souls in the countries where the funds are being sent, that they will be encouraged in their faith as they hear the gospel proclaimed. 

Colleen Friedman

DAY 11:

Ministry: Next Gen: Upstreet

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 

As a NextGen volunteer working at Eastern Hills Church, I have come into contact with the double-edged sword in the form of occasional elbows and knees to the body from kids in UpStreet. These sneak attacks have reminded me that like God’s plan, life can be rocky and unpredictable. If you asked me three years ago if I would be volunteering at a church and working with kids, I would have told you – “you are crazy!” For the last several years, my life has had boulder-sized rocks thrown my way. There were times when I didn’t know what to do, but I was thankful that I was connected to a church family. This EH Church family didn’t always know what I was going through, but many understood that I needed to help others in order to help myself. My heart, soul, and spirit were divided before I started reading the Bible and having the opportunity of working with the kids at EH. I learned through the children that God’s love is more alive, powerful, and active as these kids who have consumed a little sugar! (For the parents, I did not give them the candy.) 

Please pray for all the kids who had or will have a parent struggling with health issues including diseases, cancer, and encourage them to attend Next Gen activities. 

Jonathan Hans

DAY 12:


Throughout these 21 days of prayer and fasting we are hearing amazing stories about how God is working in and through the people and ministries of Eastern Hills Church.  On Sundays during this season, though, we want to do something different and turn the attention back to your own spiritual journey.   

Here is a question to reflect on today: Where do you sense God calling to you grow in your faith and life in 2025?    

If you feel so led, please text your answer back to us so we can be praying for you 

DAY 13:

Ministry: Discipleship Class 

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 

This Discipleship Class has been an amazing opportunity to study God's word, hear His commandments, and grow in our relationship with the Lord. We're so excited every week to come to class and educate ourselves in the word of God. Hopefully these two years won't go by too quickly, and we'll continue learning even afterwards. God has done so much in this world, and there is so much history that we would never know if we didn't take the time to study the Bible.  

Please pray for people to pick up their Bibles and learn as much as possible about God, because in doing so we will become more like Him

Josh Minkler & Aleah Bartz

DAY 14:

Ministry: Worship Arts Tech Team

“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 

This verse is displayed in several places in our home and has a special place in our hearts. We are so very grateful for Jesus’ example of what being a servant looks like. As He has repeatedly shown, serving selflessly is not always easy but it is rewarding and pays great dividends for His Kingdom. We are very blessed to be able to serve as a family on the Video Tech Team at Eastern Hills. Serving on this team has allowed us to learn new skills involving cameras, lyrics and slide presentation, and directing which images show in the Worship Center and to our live broadcast. In addition to giving God the glory He deserves through this ministry, we have the privilege of working together as a team to provide the best experience we can for our Eastern Hills’ community. Serving on the Video Tech Team is a fun adventure that allows us to challenge ourselves and at times takes us out of our comfort zone. Each time what we perceive as a “challenge” of some sort comes along, He has been faithful to provide. This provision might be through another team member stepping up to cover for someone unable to serve a specific week, through providing insight into troubleshooting an equipment issue, or providing creative direction for the team. His presence is felt and His hand guides and directs not only while serving on the Video Tech Team but throughout our daily lives. For this we are forever grateful. 
Please pray that those who serve through the Worship Arts Team will lean into God even more in 2025, and that we will tune into His heart and follow that and nothing else as we plan and execute services and events.  

The Maciok Family (Rob, Joanne, Austin & Jo) 

DAY 15:

Ministry: Online Ministry

“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 
Over the last four years, the Lord provided us with an Online Ministry to be used for His glory. God has blessed us with a global outreach. Eastern Hills not only touches Western New York but throughout the entire world. An online community has grown. Prayers, praises, and petitions have gone up. Men and women have come to salvation. All of this is done by His power working through fragile vessels to accomplish His purpose. I stand in awe of the door which our Father has opened and give thanks for it. I give praise to our Lord for this opportunity to serve Him.  

Please pray for more volunteers to join us. Thank You, Lord, for giving us this forum to serve You. May Your Word always go out through this Online Ministry. May it grow and continue to be used for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.  

Nick Weimer 


DAY 16:

Ministry: Men’s Small Group and Potluck

“When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed.” Acts 20:36 

If you have ever attended the Men's Small Group and Potluck, you know about the vast quantities of food at our meetings. I like attending because of the nuggets of information presented. Here is one of those “nuggets”: During Paul’s day, the Jews stood to pray, whereas Gentiles knelt to pray. Although Paul was a Jew, he knelt down like a Gentile. This illustrates one way that Paul lived out 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 ("I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some."). Aside from our Bible studies, we share praises and prayer requests. It is a privilege to pray for the needs of my Christian brothers. I have been strengthened as the recipient of their prayers, and I have been blessed while carrying others’ burdens. I am especially grateful that we also follow the Bible — by routinely praying for Israel, remembering the blessings promised to those nations that stand with Israel. Similarly, I have joy in my heart when we pray for America to turn back to God, which can only happen through Jesus. This group of iron-sharpening-iron men provides many opportunities for serving, including sponsoring a Compassion child and sponsoring a family in need for Christmas.  I encourage any man who has not yet attended one of these gatherings to join us. I feel so fortunate to have this group of Christian brothers in my life. 

Please pray for men of the church to rise up and be men of God, after His heart.  

Rick Manns

DAY 17:

Ministry: Sew to Sow and Sisters Sharing Stories Book Club
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of Christ’s return is drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24 

This scripture reflects our “faith in action” through fellowship with one another. Fellowship has been defined as shared participation within a community. God’s Word directs us to be a part of something beyond just ourselves. Through our interactions with others and as we experience life together, God does His work in us and through us. Having fellowship with one another and community involvement enables us to love one another as God loves us. This has been the blessing that we have experienced as part of the Sew to Sow events and Sisters Sharing Stories Book club. 
Please pray for the Lord to lead you to the group that He wants you to be a part of during this new year; and when you find it, make a commitment to stay and wait in anticipation as God does His work in you - to grow your faith, and provide opportunities for you to live out your faith within the community where He has called you to serve. 

JoAnn Kelsch & Judy Tallman 

DAY 18:

Ministry: Women’s “Lunch Hour” 
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 
I am never left underwhelmed by the Word of God. Never disappointed as I hope to hear of His intimate acquaintance with me and how He knows so well of our needs. That’s what I am reading here, He is so aware that we are like lost sheep, vulnerable, if we walk this journey alone. It’s actually quite clear … He tells us to be together, encourage each other and don’t try to be a lone ranger. He even addresses this temptation to isolate. He knew life would only get more difficult as the end approaches. AMEN. Oh, how I love His ways, so simple really.  
God doesn’t call us to JUST be in the same room. He calls us to unity, and I believe unity is built on a foundation of relationships … even with all the messiness that can bring. And what a great opportunity we have in the Lunch Hour. As we spend time together eating our bagged or bought lunches, we get to know each other a little better, build relationships, and as we grow together, we are better equipped to encourage each other, walk with each other, and come together in unity. So, if you think we’re just eating lunch, trust me when I tell you … there is a lot going on in that Meeting Place. At the Lunch Hour I have had opportunities to sit in large rollicking groups with so many conversations going on and laughter filling the room. I have had quality time with one or two sisters, blessed with the chance to get to know someone I never met or maybe never spoke to in the Worship Center. Sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s interesting, and sometimes it’s just fun. The Lunch Hour goes on with no agenda, and therefore we are all surprised with how it plays out, it’s never the same place twice. Next time you see the Lunch Hour announced consider if you might just benefit from a little encouragement … or maybe, just maybe … you can come and BE the encourager. 
Please pray for more connections to happen this year… more relationships built… more growth together… more unity.  

Jean Mattingly

DAY 19:

Throughout these 21 days of prayer and fasting we are hearing amazing stories about how God is working in and through the people and ministries of Eastern Hills Church.  On Sundays during this season, though, we want to do something different and turn the attention back to your own spiritual journey.  

Here is a question to reflect on today: What are the greatest impediments or road blocks to you continuing to grow in your faith in 2025?

If you feel so led, please text your answer back to us so we can be praying for you.

DAY 20:

Ministry:  Church Block Party 
Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—to make artistic designs… And… the ability to teach others.  He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work…” Exodus 35:30-35 

God has met my needs in 2024 in many ways. As an avid believer in Christ for a decade, I am always amazed to see how faithful God is to my calling. He has been calling me out as an artist and to come boldly before His throne to worship Him in this manner. The important thing to remember is that we are all created in God’s image, and God is a creative genius, which makes us like little mirrors reflecting His creation. 
I have felt called to use my talents in our church community to glorify God and also tell others and witness to them about the truth found in Christ Jesus. One simple way I did was by helping out at our Block Party painting rocks. He uses our talents to help inspire those around us and encourage those who may feel as though they are left behind. 
I also made it a goal to read the entire Bible, and I am scheduled to finish it by the new year. Praise God for His faithfulness. 

Pray for those with gifts to share to find their place in community; pray for continued health for our church family, and healing for those who feel weighed down by the past. 
Hannah Szretter

DAY 21:

Thank you for joining us for this 21 days of prayer and fasting journey.  I pray that this time has encouraged your heart for what God is up to in the people and ministries of Eastern Hills Church.  I also pray that between participating in this prayer journey and also participating in our Full Steam Ahead sermon series you are ready to pursue God at an even deeper level in 2025.

In this final day, I would humbly ask you to pray for our church and for me. God has led us to this moment of decision for the future of the church.  Pastor Pat, the Local Board of Administration, and Janelle and I have sought the Lord throughout this entire past year of discerning what is next for our church.  As a congregational church, though, we believe in the testimony and confirmation of the local body of believers through a vote.  This coming weekend as I preach my candidating sermon and people vote on the next season of our church my great prayer and desire is simply that God would be glorified, people would be encouraged, and that God’s answer for the future of our church would be clear.  I trust that whatever God’s answer is through His people here at Eastern Hills, He will carry onto completion the work that He has planned through the ministry of Eastern Hills Church.  Please join me in praying for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done in Eastern Hills as it is in heaven!

Pastor Justin Jones


Change = Growth
