Can’t Help Myself

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.” Acts 4:29

I had a friend who was fond of saying when he told me a story about something that happened to him, “Oh Pat, I just can’t help myself.” What he was indicating is that what he was telling me was so impactful, so exciting or so amazing that he could not do anything other than talk about it.

After being arrested and threatened for talking about Jesus and returning to the rest of the believers who had been praying for them, listen to the prayer of the group. “Lord, consider their threats and enable us to speak with boldness.” They were not afraid. They were not shrinking back. They were like my friend in that they were saying they could not help themselves. They had to boldly talk about Jesus, what they saw Him do, what they heard Him say.

The second question to ask this week is this: What can’t I help talking about? The Bills? Our family? Our work? A concert we went to? If Jesus and what He is doing in our lives is not on the list, we need to follow up with the question “why not?”


God’s Provision


Positioning is Everything