Advent 2024


“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” Isaiah 9:2a

Down in Kentucky and Missouri you can find some unusual underground caves and caverns. Some you walk through, and others have a little boat ride. They are usually cool, damp and moderately lit. However, the guide will inevitably turn off the lights for a few moments and it gets dark – VERY DARK!! Needless to say, everyone is quite relieved when the lights come back on. When the darkness occurs suddenly, we quickly notice and desire the light. However, when the darkness creeps in slowly we learn to live with it as if it is acceptable and routine. And when the light, like the ‘great light’ Isaiah speaks of, suddenly shines, we squint and desire the dark.

That type of darkness seems much like the spiritual darkness Isaiah says Israel was walking in before they saw the great light – what the New Testament tells us is the great light of Christ. We who follow Christ walked in that same type of spiritual darkness until the Truth of His great light shined in our lives and saved us. We experience the hope and peace and joy that the Holy Spirit brings through the light and the knowledge of Christ.

Matthew quotes Isaiah right before Jesus begins His ministry with the same words John the Baptist used: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Since then, and ever since Jesus saw Satan fall like lightning from Heaven, evil has been in retreat. And the great light of Christ and His kingdom has been growing and growing. Darkness and light cannot dwell together, and when we shine the light of Christ - darkness departs. We as followers of Christ eagerly wait, work and watch for His glorious return, when the kingdom of God will be perfectly realized.

Dear Lord, help us to magnify the great light of Christ to those around us this Christmas season; help us to dissipate the darkness of despair that so many people feel this time of year. ~Greg Collins


“…those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them a light has shown.” Isaiah 9:2b

We don’t often get to experience deep darkness in a physical way. Streetlights, traffic signals, headlights, Christmas lights - they all assure us that we’re never completely in the dark. Even if you go camping, you take a flashlight or a lantern. Not so in Isaiah’s day. Deep darkness would have been the norm, and the people of that time would have understood these words well. But the prophet was not speaking of physical darkness. He was speaking of the light Messiah would bring. The Israelites would have understood this too. At that time, they were waiting to be attacked by the mighty Assyrian Empire, known for their cruelty. But Isaiah looked ahead in hope, confident that a Deliverer was coming, bringing light. In the first paragraph of his gospel, John the apostle writes, “In Him (Jesus) was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Have you experienced deep darkness of the soul? I sure have. And in those times, there were only two options. I can become hard and hateful, sulky and self-pitying, or I can lean into He who loves me best, because He is the only one who can illuminate my gloom. Only He can bring light from darkness.

In his beloved hymn, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing,” Charles Wesley wrote, “Light and life to all He brings; risen with healing in His wings.” This Christmas season, let us turn our hearts to the source of Light, our Faithful King.

Dearest Lord, whatever is occurring in our lives, help us keep our focus on You, the One Who brings light to men. Thank You for being the Light of the World. Amen. ~Kaycee Daniels


“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.” Isaiah 11:1

Early in our marriage, when there was just the two of us, we bought our first Christmas tree from a vender on Elmwood Avenue, next to the Dairy Queen. It’s been a few years now and the Dairy Queen is still there, but I’m not sure about the seller of Christmas trees.

And things have changed for us too. We’ve gone through the phases of taking a Saturday afternoon to go out with the kids in the cold, rainy early December weather to cut down our very own tree. Now with everyone grown we’ve gone to having an artificial tree that doesn’t drop needles.

But the stump in today’s Scripture isn’t from someone’s cut down Christmas tree of years gone by. Isaiah is referring to “the stump of Jesse.” This Jesse we know of as the father of King David and David was king of Israel around 1000 to 960 BC. So, when Isaiah is writing, it is almost three hundred years since David and his father Jesse lived, and the royal line had become a dead stump of what it had been. But, there was still life in it.

From “this stump” will come new life, a “shoot” that will grow into a “Branch” that not only will thrive on its own but will produce much fruit.

Isaiah was looking ahead three hundred years to the birth of that “shoot,” the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. As he says elsewhere, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.” (Isaiah 9:6-7)

God had a long-term plan to turn a “dead stump”, the royal line of King David, into the family line of the Messiah. He is the one who brings dead things to life. He can do the same for you today!

Lord, we celebrate! We celebrate God becoming a human child. We celebrate Heaven and Earth colliding, brought together by You, so that man might have everlasting life. ~Bob Arnold


“Though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light.” Micah 7:8

Light is essential in photography, as it reveals the details and vibrancy of a scene. Without adequate light, images are obscured and unclear, losing their depth and meaning. Similarly, in Micah 7:8, we find a powerful message: “Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.” Just as light is vital for a photographer to create a clear picture, God’s light is crucial for us to see beyond our struggles and find hope in the midst of darkness. Even when we feel overwhelmed or lost, God’s light is ALWAYS available to guide us.

This verse reminds us that, even when we face difficult and shadowed times, God’s light will guide and uplift us. Like a photographer relying on light to capture a scene, we can rely on the Lord to illuminate our path and bring clarity to our lives. Through prayer and reflection, the light of Jesus WILL dispel any darkness and reveal the fullness of His grace. What better time than this Advent Season to begin by setting aside time for prayer and reflection, asking God to shine His light on areas where you feel lost or unsure.

Jesus, as I read and meditate on Scripture, may the truths of Your Word bring clarity and hope to my life. ~Lee Babirad


“You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.” Psalm 18:28

How is life treating you lately? How’s your soul? Life can be such a struggle sometimes; we can feel like we are burning the candle at both ends and experiencing pure exhaustion. Whether that is because of the season of life, with hardships and suffering, or the chaos of the Christmas season. Often times we feel like our light has burned out, we have no hope or joy. The Psalmist here reminds us that no matter how difficult life can get, no matter how tired you are, no matter how dark your life may feel in the moment, God is our source of light and will always give us what we need to keep our lamps shining bright.

When we awake every morning before we head into the world, it is important to remember to spend our time with God. This quiet time helps us to be still, to receive His peace, and center ourselves for the day. By doing this, we are focusing on Him who is able to fuel us so our light may shine brightly to all those around us. Take this moment to pause, be still and breathe in and out. Be at peace in His presence, lay your burdens at our Lord’s feet and make known what you need from Him on this day. Be sure to thank Him for all that He has already and will provide you on this day. Walk this day out with a grateful heart and watch as you feel refreshed, and ready for whatever this day holds.

Our Most Holy and Loving Lord, during this Advent season may we experience Your light shining bright in our lives. Even though there can be difficult times, and the chaos of the season may leave us feeling burned out, sitting in darkness, may Your spirit be the light to keep our lamps burning and rejuvenating our souls. Fill us up Lord and help us to shine brighter than ever before, following Your example, Lord. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ~Jeremy Miller


“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

In this Advent season, let us remember that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) As the famous Christmas song says, “Mary did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb? And this sleeping child you are holding is the great I am?”

God’s Word teaches us to take one step at a time in our daily walk with Him. We cannot get ahead of Him. It’s a matter of trusting our Savior by always fully relying on Him for everything. Then He will light our path with His words of comfort, protection, healing, strength, and deliverance. His word is sweet, sweeter than honey. It shows us how His perfect plan for our lives will come to pass no matter what Satan might be whispering in our ears.

Father, thank You for Your word that guides us to find love, assurance, strength, and grace for daily living. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen. ~Rubins & Edeline Noel


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1

A photo starts with the idea of what the photographer wants to be seen in his or her photo. The setting must be just right. The subject of the photo must be prepared. The lighting must be perfect! The photographer, in this sense, is the creator of the image.

Well, sometime long before you and I were born, a time only termed as the beginning, John 1:1 states, “was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God.” This Word written of in John 1 refers to the Greek word logos – traditionally meaning “word, thought, principal, or speech.” Logos is referring to more than just a word that’s written or a thought in the mind. This Word is alive! This logos is indeed referring to Jesus, who would become the Word incarnate by taking on flesh and dwelling among us!

Yes, it would take thousands of years for the coming Word to make His incarnate appearance in the world! Many prophets over those many thousands of years foretold His coming, and many believers awaited His coming. It was somewhat like waiting for the image to appear or develop. But the timing was perfect! The setting (in a barn behind the inn) was just right. The lighting (the star in the sky) was perfect! The subject (Baby Jesus, Mary, and Joseph) was prepared. We know from Scripture that was indeed the plan for this snapshot of Christmas all along. So, you might say that this developing plan was perfect from the beginning!

Dear Father, we thank You for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, especially during this time of Advent. We thank You for Your precious Word Who came to live among us. Amen. ~Peter Gabucci


“In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” John 1:4

When I was in elementary school, one year for our annual science fair, I did an experiment with plants and different light sources. The plant I kept on the windowsill in the sunshine grew tall and vibrant. The plant under my desk lamp survived, but didn’t look too happy. The plant I shoved in the back of the closet? Ummm … It died.

Thinking back to that experiment and meditating on John 1:4 makes the truth of the Scripture even more real. Jesus, the very source of life, is the light of all mankind, arriving in the form of a tiny infant. Like my poor plant specimens, we cannot physically live without light; but how much more importantly we cannot live spiritually without the light of Christ. Surrendering our hearts and lives to Jesus brings life; life full of joy and love that will shine His bright light into a world desperate for hope, especially at Christmastime. If you’re feeling “wilty” in this season, ask the Author of life to bring light into your situation; He will strengthen you and cause you to grow.

Dear Jesus, Author of Life, please shine Your light into my heart, fill me with Your love and help me to be a light to others this Christmas. Amen. ~Janelle Jones


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” John 1:1

The Apostle John started from the beginning of time to explain that Jesus is God, the Son, the True Light.

John the Baptist came as a witness and to testify concerning the light, so all men would believe. The True Light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. That light is Jesus. How many times have we needed the light of Jesus to guide our path? He’s always faithful and knows our needs.

How can we have any less passion than these men, to share Jesus’s true light? Who do you know that needs the true light of Jesus? Let’s follow His example and share His true light with EVERYONE!

The True Light that gives light to EVERYONE was coming into the world (John 1:9).

Jesus, thank You for being our True Light and for coming into the world to save us. In Your precious name we pray, Amen. ~Darilyn Thundat

DAY 10

“This was the True Light that, coming into the world, enlightens every person.” John 1:9

I like light! I like the sun shining, the full moon lighting up the night sky, candles flickering, fireflies, fireworks, and holiday lights decorating trees and houses. All these lights bring a smile to my face, but I love THE True Light!

Only the light of Jesus Christ can magnify the unspeakable joy that comes from really knowing Him. His light coming from the depths of my soul to help me live with whatever I face. His light is a spiritual light that can cast away all darkness and fear in our lives, no matter the challenges we face or the craziness of this world. We just need to keep our eyes on Him.

As I reflect on the snapshots from my life’s story, my heart is filled with gratitude and praise to our Loving God, who from the beginning had a plan to redeem us from the darkness to the Light. Jesus was this “True Light” entering our world that first CHRISTmas night in Bethlehem. The Angels of the LORD proclaimed this to the shepherds in the field and the Glory of the LORD shone around them. Jesus was God’s plan and answer for us. Jesus, the spiritual Light, fully God and fully man, entering our dark broken world to live among us, to show us and to light the way, and to redeem us by His sacrifice on the cross. This True Light comes to those who believe in Him, and this enlightenment is the hope for every person who will believe in Him.

I am so thankful to be chosen, to have an open heart to accept, believe and receive Jesus as my LORD and Savior and to “shine this little light of mine…” to those around me. My prayer is that you would seek Jesus, His true light and have this Great Hope!

Heavenly Father, Son and Spirit, we praise You, for You alone are worthy of our praise! Thank You for Your faithfulness and unending sacrificial Love! Forgive us, and help us to go and tell, to speak and shine on, to share Your light, love and life with those around us! May Your mercy and favor be on us without end, as we walk in Your true light! We love You! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. ~ Judy Tallman

DAY 11

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

In John 1 we get a different perspective on Jesus’ incarnation. Instead of a narrative account like in Matthew and Luke, it describes His entrance into the world in a more abstract and theological way. Jesus is described as the “Word” or logos in Greek, the reason behind all things. He is also described as the light entering the world.

In John 1:5 we hear of the action of the “light,” Jesus, and the reaction of the “darkness,” those that stood in opposition to him. Jesus came into the world to be and bring the light. What does light do? It brightens, it reveals, it brings clarity, it brings life. As the sun shines and brings life, so Jesus came to shine on us and bring life. And the reaction of the dark? Well, it stood in opposition to the light, but it could not overcome it. The darkness was powerless. And here in lies an amazing truth about Jesus, and those of us who are sons and daughters of God.

In Ephesians 5:8 those of us who are followers of Jesus are called “Children of Light.” And despite being children of light we spend so much time concerned about the darkness – those people and things that would stand against the Truth. But let me remind you of this important truth – darkness has no definition of its own. Darkness is literally defined as the absence of light. Darkness is so powerless that if even a little bit of light shines in the darkness it cannot stand against it.

In this dark and broken world let me encourage you today. The Light (Jesus) came into the world as a baby to shine light, but if you are a follower of Jesus then He is also shining through your life now. And no matter how dark things may seem, that darkness cannot overcome the Jesus in you and in us as the Church. Be confident today believer! Don’t let the darkness define you. Remember that Jesus, the Light, who lives within you will always overcome the darkness.

Lord Jesus, may we remember to be confident in Your light living through us today. Use our lives to shine in the darkness! ~Justin Jones

DAY 12

“For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20

As we journey through Advent, we reflect on the profound mystery of Christ’s incarnation and the reconciliation He brings. This passage reveals the heart of God’s plan for humanity. In Jesus, the fullness of God dwells. He’s not merely a reflection of God but embodies the entirety of God’s nature. Through Jesus, God reconciles all things to Himself, bringing peace through the sacrifice of the cross. This reconciliation is comprehensive, encompassing all creation, both on earth and in heaven.

Consider the story of a father and his estranged son. The son, having made poor choices, found himself distant from his family, burdened by guilt and shame. Despite the father’s repeated attempts to reach out, the son felt unworthy of reconciliation. One Christmas, the father took a bold step. He sent a letter to his son, expressing his unconditional love and desire for reconciliation; enclosed was a plane ticket home.

The son, moved by his father’s unwavering love, decided to return. When he arrived, he found his father waiting with open arms. The father’s joy was palpable, and the son’s burden of guilt was lifted. They embraced, and in that moment, the past was forgiven, and their relationship was restored.

This story mirrors the reconciliation we receive through Christ. Just as the father reached out to his son, God reaches out to us through Jesus. The cross is the ultimate expression of God’s love, offering us a way back to Him. Through Jesus’ sacrifice, we are forgiven and restored, no longer burdened by our past sins.

This Advent season let us remember that Jesus’ birth is the beginning of reconciliation. He came to bring peace and restore our relationship with God. May we embrace the fullness of Christ’s love and share this message of reconciliation with others.

Dear Heavenly Father, may our hearts be aligned with Yours as we reflect on the profound mystery of Christ’s birth. We are so grateful Your son came to bring peace and restore our relationship with You. Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. ~Robin Schara

DAY 13

“Now there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him.” Luke 2:25

In ancient times, watchmen were sentries stationed on city walls. Their primary purpose was to look out for any possible threats and warn those within of the enemy. In Jewish culture, there were three different times watchmen were scheduled: from dusk until midnight; from midnight until early morning; and finally, until dawn. As the sun rose on another day the watchmen would remain alert. Their duty would not cease until their shift ended.

As a watchman, righteous Simeon waited with readiness for the consolation of Israel. With anticipation, he looked for the coming of the Messiah. It was promised to Simeon by revelation of the Holy Spirit, “that he should not see death, before he had seen the Lord’s Christ” (Luke 2:26b). His shift was at an end. The long night of the silent years was over. The Dayspring had arrived with Jesus Christ’s birth in Bethlehem. “But unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings…” (Malachi 4:2a) Upon holding the babe in his arms, Simeon would bless God with these words: “For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.” (Luke 2:30-32)

In the same way devout Simeon watched for our Lord’s first coming, we should be ready for His return. “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” (1 John 2:28) Be ready! “For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)

We thank You Father for this Christmas season and as faithful Simeon, may we walk in the light as He is in the light ever prepared for our Lord’s return. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen. ~Nick Weimer

DAY 14

“But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zechariah; your prayer has been heard.” Luke 1:13

Zechariah, serving as a priest, was chosen by lot to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense on a particular day. Some people might say it was the luck of the draw that put Zechariah in the temple that day, but as believers we know that all things are orchestrated by God. God Himself chose Zechariah to be in the temple at that time.

What started out as an ordinary day became extraordinary when the angel Gabriel appeared before Zechariah. The angel’s appearance frightened Zechariah but the angel reassured him he did not need to be afraid. Gabriel was bringing good news. Elizabeth, Zechariah’s wife, was going to give birth to a child! Zechariah and Elizabeth had long ago given up on their prayers for a child. But in their old age, God answered their earlier prayers and blessed them with a child. This was not an ordinary child though. This child was John the Baptist who would pave the way for Jesus, the Messiah!!

It is difficult to trust God when we pray and do not see results. He does not always answer our prayers the way we want or in the time frame we desire. My trust in God can waver at times when it seems as if He is not answering my prayers. I need to remember during those times that God is in complete control and His timing is perfect. His ways are so much higher than my ways and He knows what is best for me. God is so generous, and He always gives me much more than I deserve. That alone gives me hope and helps keep me strong in the waiting.

As you celebrate Jesus, the Light of the World this Christmas, remember that He loves you totally and completely and wants the best for you. Thank Him for answering prayers and wait in hopeful anticipation for prayers yet to be answered!

Father, thank You for Your amazing love and thank You for always answering my prayers in Your perfect way. Help me to trust You more and to look for You to show up in extraordinary ways in my ordinary life. ~Cathy Forgnone

DAY 15

“He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.” John 1:8

What to tell the kids about Santa? Inevitably, every parent is going to be faced with the choice of how to answer for how the presents wind up under the Christmas tree. I remember my oldest son saying friends told him Santa delivers all the presents to children around the world in one night. And our initial response to each of our kids was “…well what do you believe?” He told us that he did not want a stranger breaking into our house in the middle of the night. We tried to reassure him that Santa is a symbol of joy, giving, and such. Still, he did not sleep a wink and woke us up at 4:30am to unwrap gifts. By our third child we realized their collective questions required a better explanation.

Over time we tried to focus on Jesus’ birth and the gift of salvation ... which can be a tough sell to a five-year-old who has Legos on the brain. Yet the Bible has this to say in John 1:8, “He himself was not the light, he came only as a witness to the light.” Of course, the scripture was referring specifically to John the Baptist, but it is applicable to all of us. To some degree we are all reflections of God’s glory; even good ole Saint Nicholas was a patron saint of gift giving. So eventually we adopted this idea that Saint Nick was a man who became a legend in his generosity and kindness; and that he, too was a light-bearer for God.

That is why when people try to glorify Santa, we see it as an opportunity to share the love of God, and the gift of Jesus. It is too easy to get caught up in the truth and lies of the legend of Santa. Yet, like so many things in this world, in the end, an idol can be formed if we are not careful. Just like John the Baptist, who was a powerful prophet and baptizer of souls, made sure to point to Jesus. In both cases the glory is to be directed toward God, and His Son, Jesus. Hopefully, this will equip some parents this season to have this delicate conversation. At least until spring comes around and they roll out the Easter Bunny.

Lord, as light bearers we pray that You might use us to influence future generations for Your Kingdom building purposes. Amen. ~Corey Nieman

DAY 16

“This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 1:18

Talk about a “snapshot of the Christmas story.” This sure is a major event. The first 17 verses of chapter one of Matthew tell the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah beginning with Abraham. And then verse 18 jumps to Mary and tells us of the “impossible” event of a virgin birth and Jesus coming as a baby and eventually our Savior. Mary was pregnant through the Holy Spirit.

Can you imagine what she was thinking? Such confusion. The parallel passage in Luke 1:35 tells us that she asked the question, “How will this be since I am a virgin and the angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God.” I like the picture of the overshadowing of the Most High because that gives us a snapshot of what Almighty God does in our lives. He overshadows us to live for Him and serve Him and walk out our faith. I can’t do it in my own strength, but I can live wholeheartedly for Him when He empowers me.

What a wonderful testimony Mary has given us of a girl who walked in faith without fully understanding what God was asking of her. She obeyed and told the angel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”

Lord, I ask that we would be obedient to You, to follow after You with our whole heart and be able to speak that beautiful statement, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” ~Pam Jones

DAY 17

“The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Luke 1:28

In the quiet town of Nazareth, a young woman named Mary received a life-changing message from an angel. Mary was not a queen or a noble woman; she was an ordinary person chosen for an extraordinary purpose. The angel’s greeting to Mary reveals that she is highly favored and that the Lord is with her. This verse reminds us that God’s favor is not tied to our status, achievements, or abilities but rather to our faith and trust in Him.

As we journey through Advent, we are reminded of the ever-present work of God, which draws us into a deeper connection with Him, and urges us to respond with a steadfast faith. Just as Mary was divinely appointed to bring Christ into the world, we too are called to walk in obedience of the plan He has set before us.

This season, let us open our hearts to the transforming power of God’s favor, trusting that His grace is with us in every step of our journey.

Lord, help us to humbly receive Your favor, trusting Your presence is with us as we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ. ~Alex & Emmalee Kick

DAY 18

“Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” Luke 1:30

We’ve seen images of angels many times: in paintings, in TV shows, and movies. And whenever they appear, they usually have wings, are arrayed in robes, shining with a glorious light. No wonder Mary was afraid and confused: she had never seen a being like an angel before. She had found favor with God? In what way?

And she was chosen to bear the long-awaited Messiah. Why her? What made her so special? Her only doubt was how – a perfectly logical question. “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.” Luke 1:30

Mary’s response was one of faith, “May your word to me be fulfilled.” A risky response. We aren’t told if she wondered how she would tell her family, her neighbors, and most of all how she was going to tell Joseph.

Mary’s response was also one of humility – she didn’t take this blessing for granted or consider herself deserving of it. Because of this we have the greatest blessing of all – the Lord Jesus Christ who has saved us from our sins so that we may have an eternal home with Him and God the Father.

Like Mary, let us receive this blessing with humility and gratitude. We will take a great risk; family and friends may turn their backs on us. We could face persecution. If we refuse to do something because of our beliefs, there may be consequences. But God has assured us He will always be with us and meet our every need. Let that assurance be in our hearts always.

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to receive all Your blessings with grateful and humble hearts, for all blessings are given out of Your perfect love. Amen. ~Roberta Nylen

DAY 19

“For no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37

As I read/reread this scripture, it makes me STOP and THINK! When I stop, the first thing I think is about the meaning in the context where it is found. This profound message is given to Mary, the young virgin who is to become the mother of Jesus (God in human form) and she has an amazing opportunity like no other to obey God. Then I check other versions. Why? Because I want to see how other interpretations may have written Luke 1:37 and think about how those versions might provide helpful understanding.

In this case, it was easy! This is what I found: ESV, KJV, NASB, NKJV all have the exact same wording as the NIV. This means there is NO change or misinterpretation in what is written: NO word from God will ever fail!

While it is true that none of us will ever be tested in the same way as Mary, it is also true that trusting the Word of God in our lives is just as important. God gives us this example of faith as a foundation for our trust in Him. We may even be surprised and not understand God’s plan, just like Mary, but God uses our life experiences to help increase our faith and grow closer to Him and His ways. Sometimes, like Mary, God will test our faith to see if we truly trust Him, no matter the circumstances.

In my case, I can say that God has tested my faith, but I also can confirm through these experiences as a Christ follower for forty-two years, I truly believe Luke 1:37: “For no word from God will never fail”! That does give me peace in the present and hope for eternity. No sorrow, no pain, just praising God in unimaginable beauty with Jesus and His followers. Hallelujah! Come quickly, Lord Jesus…

I pray for any who are searching for truth that they will read these words, believe and receive Your gift of salvation because no word of God ever fails. Amen. ~Helen Black

DAY 20

“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant.” Luke 1:46-48

Praise is such a powerful way to reveal our faith to the world. Praising our Heavenly Father brings Him to the forefront of where He belongs. Praise dissipates and dilutes worry and fear. Praise the Lord oh my soul.







We cannot truly experience the birth of Christ without a burst of praise, now, can we? Mary knew she needed to be obedient to the Lord’s request. Mary, a simple girl from a simple town. Somehow, just as she was, God chose young Mary to be Jesus’ mother and the only qualification she seemed to have was her willingness. Mary sang her praises to the Lord; let’s all join her!

Jesus, let me continually give You unrestrained praise. I thank You that I am alive to serve You today; I praise Your name because You have counted me as Your own. ~Tracy Butler

DAY 21

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19

In this season filled with so many “to-do” lists, one of the things we all treasure is more time to do the requisite traditions that communicate Christmas to us. Each year gives rise to activities that establish connections with family and long-lasting memories.

Sometimes these activities don’t generate the “good” feelings or create the memories we desire or expect. Depending on what is going on in our lives at the time, some of the “self-inflicted” traditions can cause more conflict which results in distracting us from celebrating the birth of Jesus. One year, we made the mistake of bringing home a tree without cutting it six inches shorter for it to fit in the room with lower ceilings. Another year, I had a meltdown after visiting four area grocery stores and failed to find nuts. There was a year that no one in our family wanted to wrestle with putting Christmas lights on our artificial tree, so we just put on ornaments.

Now, the earthly world will always try to draw us away from the joy of Jesus’s birth, but we can remain secure in the life He has given us. Mary pondered all of the things surrounding the birth of Jesus, including the lack of fanfare, and remained silent. The world was sleeping when Jesus arrived in a lower room where the animals slept. Mary meditated on all the things God did to provide us with His Son who would save us from sin and death.

God executed His perfect will to give all of us a treasure named: Messiah, the Son of God, our Savior, which is Christ the Lord to take away our sins.

Lord, help us to receive your grace this Christmas season if our monthly list of activities is less than perfect. Remind us that we have found Your treasure in Jesus! ~Carla Catalano

DAY 22

“While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born.” Luke 2:6

The King James translation reads, “And so it was, that, while they (Mary and Joseph) were there (in Bethlehem), the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.” So, what’s the big deal about the Christ child being born in Bethlehem? The big deal is that Jesus’ birth in that small town was a fulfillment of a seven-hundred-year-old prophecy regarding His earthly birth by the prophet Micah. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will be borne for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” (Micah 5:2)

Up to the time of the census decreed by Caesar Augustus, Mary had been living in her hometown of Nazareth, the wrong place for Messiah’s birth. A little longer stay there and the prophecy would not have been fulfilled. But, as always, our Heavenly Father was in complete control, and to fulfill the prophecy, she was brought from Nazareth to Bethlehem. And just in the nick of time she gave birth in that fabled stable.

We all wait in anticipation for the birth of a child in our families and no one can be certain just when that day will arrive. Doctors and nurses will talk about subtle body signals, but even they can’t be sure. And it wasn’t just Joseph and Mary who were waiting. The heavenly hosts also awaited Jesus’ birth. So, at just the right moment, the “time came for her baby to be born.” Like any good mother, Mary welcomed her child, and God began His gracious and sacrificial journey through humanity, swaddled at His birth like every other new baby, but with His bed made in a manger — a humble beginning for the King of Kings.

Will this be the year when you finally surrender the steering wheel of your life to Him?

Lord, thank You for Your master plan to send Your Son to come into our world as Messiah. May this be the Christmas when we sincerely and totally receive Him as our personal Lord and Savior. ~Gary Stith

DAY 23

“She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them.” Luke 2: 7

I was a young first-time mother too! I remember being scared and not knowing what was next. When my son was born in May of 1998, my sister took a photo of the sky. It was a beautiful sunny day. The sky was clear with a few fluffy pillow-like clouds. It was the perfect light out. After I had Joseph, I was greeted by my father, Dino. He was overjoyed to have his grandson in his life. Joseph was the “light” of his life. I stayed with my parents in a cozy home. I was able to buy new clothes to wrap my baby boy in. His bedding cost more than my own. I received a crocheted blanket from my grandmother. These were necessities given to me at a baby shower thrown for me with lots of family and friends around.

It’s tough enough to be a first-time mother; feeling like you cannot give enough to your child is even harder. Your child is the “light” of your life. You will do anything for them. Can you imagine what Mary was thinking swaddling the Son of God in cloths and placing him a dirty manger? How could there be no room for baby JESUS and the mother of Christ? Today we have so much more to give. Even the poorest people in our country have access to more items. This Christmas we gather to celebrate our Lord and Savior. As we place expensive gifts under our large tree, let’s remember what this season is about. We are here to worship and praise God. We are here to help our fellow man by spreading His gospel. “The LORD is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1

Dear Lord, thank You for all You have done for us. I ask You to continue to open our hearts, minds, and mouths in Your name. No matter the circumstances, YOU know our stories. Amen. ~Patricia Ciliento-Hans

DAY 24

“They saw the star and were overjoyed.” Matthew 2:10

There’s an internet meme that you may have seen; a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio sitting on a chair pointing at something excitedly. This meme is especially funny when it’s applied to people who are quick to see and point out something that most people might have missed. Think of the movie nerd in your life who knows every little, tiny detail of a film and they notice some obscure line or character that appears on screen. They go nuts! Why? What’s so special about this tiny little detail?

The Magi were the same way; they saw this obscure throwaway star in the night sky and knew without a doubt what it meant. The Messiah was coming. They rushed to the temple courts ready to geek out with Herod, the priests, and “all of Jerusalem” (Matthew 2:3) only to find that their fellow “nerds” missed the sign. Are you kidding?! This is the biggest thing ever and you all missed it??

We often think of the Star of Bethlehem as this super bright star in the sky shining for everyone to see, but this is unlikely. The star would have been unremarkable to pretty much everyone who wasn’t looking for it. I often think about the multitude of “stars” that God puts in my life that I miss out on. I miss out on being overjoyed, I miss out on blessings in the darkness, I miss out on the Messiah and the joy that comes from knowing Him because I didn’t see the stars when they were there.

That’s the other thing about the star of Bethlehem, it was temporary. It was there for a time, and then it wasn’t. Am I going to passively wander through life, ignoring the signs and wonders around me, or am I going to look up, “geek out with fellow nerds”, read my Bible, pray, and be eagerly waiting to be overjoyed when I see the Star that God has sent my way?

“Lord, help me not to miss the stars You send my way. I want to be overjoyed knowing that You are here. Amen.” ~Joe Principato

DAY 25

“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.’” Luke 2:13-14

Imagine the shepherds tending their flocks in the darkness of the night, maybe with the light of burning embers from a campfire. When suddenly, their attention is captured by an angel, bright and light, proclaiming the good news that this very night a Savior was to be born!

I can picture them trying to focus, and maybe rubbing their eyes as their vision adjusts from darkness to the light radiating from this heavenly being. Then, in an “only God” signature move, just in case they missed the message of Angel One, God pulls back the heavenly curtain to reveal a company or multitude of the heavenly host (meaning more than a few!) Full of praise, declaring what God has done for the world: peace and favor wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laying in a manger. Talk about God turning the dimmer switch from low to high to reveal the heavenly picture of what it means for His favor to rest on them … and on us! For the darkness was to be overcome by the light, which was a picture of God’s love for us. Isn’t it funny how something so beautiful can transform darkness? What a heavenly paradox!

The angels brought the good news to the shepherds about the birth of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. For who better to know the condition of their flocks and provide healing, anointing oil, and protection. The shepherds would even understand the need to risk their lives to defend the flock. He (the Good Shepherd) would know every need and supply every answer out of love and compassion with such tender care and attention. How like Jesus to not only be the Good Shepherd, but also the Sacrificial Lamb who rescues His flock from the enemy called sin.

Lord, help us to align and adjust our vision with the light of the good news. Dispel any darkness and prepare our hearts to receive this gift and eventual sacrifice for our sin. Thank You for being our Good Shepherd and Sacrificial Lamb. ~Roxanne Fretz


We hope these little “snapshots” of Christmas have helped you draw closer to the heart of God this Advent Season.

Our world is getting darker. And for many, hopes are getting dimmer.

But the contrast only makes the Light of Christ shine all the brighter! The Hope of Christmas all the more hopeful.

Now more than ever we cling to this hope. We welcome His light, even as we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18). Remember, we can’t necessarily see the light. But we see what it illuminates! We see Jesus at work in the things He lights up with His presence. Those “things”, by the way, are people … You. Me. Anyone who has encountered Him and said YES. That’s when the lights turn on, and NEVER DIM AGAIN! That’s when real life begins.

Maybe you’ve encountered Jesus in a new way through these devotional thoughts. Maybe it has made you want to know Him more? Have you said YES to Him? Does your heart long to walk in the light of His unfailing love? There are no “magic” words. He hears the cry of your heart.


Jesus, I am tired of trying to find my way in the dark. I need You. I need You to turn the lights on for me. Forgive me for the sinful ways I’ve identified with and deliver me from darkness. Shine the light of Your love on me and in me. Change me from the inside out. I am Yours. Have Your way with my life. May You shine through me. May I live for You!

If you want to find out more about your new life in Christ, text us at 833.264.3557.


Advent Day 11

