Advent Day 11
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5
In John 1 we get a different perspective on Jesus’ incarnation. Instead of a narrative account like in Matthew and Luke, it describes His entrance into the world in a more abstract and theological way. Jesus is described as the “Word” or logos in Greek, the reason behind all things. He is also described as the light entering the world.
In John 1:5 we hear of the action of the “light,” Jesus, and the reaction of the “darkness,” those that stood in opposition to him. Jesus came into the world to be and bring the light. What does light do? It brightens, it reveals, it brings clarity, it brings life. As the sun shines and brings life, so Jesus came to shine on us and bring life. And the reaction of the dark? Well, it stood in opposition to the light, but it could not overcome it. The darkness was powerless. And here in lies an amazing truth about Jesus, and those of us who are sons and daughters of God.
In Ephesians 5:8 those of us who are followers of Jesus are called “Children of Light.” And despite being children of light we spend so much time concerned about the darkness – those people and things that would stand against the Truth. But let me remind you of this important truth – darkness has no definition of its own. Darkness is literally defined as the absence of light. Darkness is so powerless that if even a little bit of light shines in the darkness it cannot stand against it.
In this dark and broken world let me encourage you today. The Light (Jesus) came into the world as a baby to shine light, but if you are a follower of Jesus then He is also shining through your life now. And no matter how dark things may seem, that darkness cannot overcome the Jesus in you and in us as the Church. Be confident today believer! Don’t let the darkness define you. Remember that Jesus, the Light, who lives within you will always overcome the darkness.
Lord Jesus, may we remember to be confident in Your light living through us today. Use our lives to shine in the darkness! ~Justin Jones