All Things for Good

Rob Schmitt / Ministry Resident Intern

Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

2020 was a challenging year for many, including me. Yet, I am fortunate to say that in the midst of all of the chaos, I found God. It was an exciting moment when God put it on my heart to come to church. I wasn't sure how, but I knew that by going, my life would become more meaningful. 

My first experience at Eastern Hills Church was inspiring to say the least. I quickly became more active within the church, which led me to the “Discover God” class. In this experience, I found out about Jesus, who He is and why He came to earth. 

After learning about how Christ sacrificed His own life for our sins, and the promise of salvation through faith, I didn't hesitate to ask Jesus into my heart. Since submitting myself to God, my life has transformed in many amazing ways. In my faith, I see that God is always working to provide His followers with everything they need and so much more.

2021 seemed to be a repeat of the previous year for many of us. As for me, it has been the most challenging season of my life. I used to wonder how people dealt with devastating experiences in their lives. How does someone deal with finding out they have cancer? Or how is a person able to deal with the loss of a close family member? Last summer I found out that my mom had cancer and a few weeks ago my dad passed away from a sudden illness. I no longer have to wonder how people get through difficult situations such as these. My only question now would be: How do people do it without God?

I miss my dad so much and it breaks my heart to see my mom have to go through such tough times. Yet, I must say, through all of the pain, God has remained faithful to me and my family. Throughout my faith journey, God has been preparing me to go through life's storms. Even through the struggles, it has become evident that God is working all things for good. In my weakness, God has given me tremendous strength. In my sorrow, God has shown me so much joy. Through my pain, God has given me unexplainable peace. God has surrounded me with an amazing support system. I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. Through the power of prayer and the love and support of family and friends, my family and I are able to persevere.

It brings me great joy when I think of my dad. I will always cherish the moments I was able to have with him and I am focused on making many more happy memories with my mom.

Because I know that my strength comes from the Lord, I will always honor my dad’s final wish when he said to me “Stay Strong.”

“And we know (with great confidence) that God (who is deeply concerned about us) causes all things to work together (as a plan) for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his plan and purpose.” Romans 8:28 AMPB

Constant, Unchanging, Immutable

