
Robin Schara / Pastor of Global Missions

Photo by mk. s on Unsplash

I have been straddling an interesting position this year: working part-time and being home part-time. When I am at work, I love what God has called me do and when I am at home, I love spending more time with my husband, Don. Knowing that I will be retiring this May, I have been reflecting a lot on where I am today.

Every year I pick a word for the year to focus on. God gave me the word “savor” for the year of 2021, and it was a perfect word. I spent this year savoring every moment that I experienced here. It caused a flood of incredible memories to flash through my brain as I say, “this is the last time l will be doing this.” God has blessed me tremendously with so many people at this church over the years who have been a coordinator, volunteer, mission board member, friend, prayer partner, team member, co-worker, and the list goes on.

The church is not the church without people. Leaders are not leaders without people. I so love the people from this church who have been a part of ministry with me as we've worked together to help engage every person to become a passionate follower of Jesus Christ.

I was at a dinner the other night and the host had all the guests pick a card without looking at it. The cards all had Bible verses on it. She said the one you pick is the one that is meant for you. My card was perfect. It is one of my favorite Bible verses and it truly sums up fourteen years of ministry with the people I love.
“I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:4-6

May 31, 2022 will be a difficult day and a joyful day at the same time as I transition from being employed at Eastern Hills Church to being fully retired. I clearly know this is God’s plan for my life. He gave me another good word for 2022: Adapt!


All Things for Good


Change is Hard