Prayer Guide: Thursday, January 6

Multiplication of Leadership: A Prayer Guide in Preparation for 2022

This prayer guide is given for us to seek the face of our Father together as we enter 2022. Our theme for this year is the multiplication of leadership. Each day the focus is on one of the areas of leadership we will be discussing throughout the year.

Please read the Scripture of the day and read the little devotional. Then use at least one of the prayer prompts in each section. We are following the “four x four” pattern of prayer:

Reverence: Praising God for something He has shown us about Himself.
Response: Responding to what God has shown us, to do His will.
Requests: Asking Him for healing of relationships and resources to accomplish His will.
Readiness: Asking God to lead us to accomplish it.

Photo by Garett Mizunaka on Unsplash

Thursday, January 6: 1 Corinthians 12

Belonging is a core need we all have. Being a part of something greater than ourselves is designed into us by our Creator. At creation, God and man (Adam and Eve) were in perfect relationship in a perfect world. This unity of purpose in enjoying and overseeing the created order fulfilled this need. Then sin, self, and shame entered the world. The design was not withdrawn but its fulfillment became difficult. 
I’m not a mechanic, but I do know that when the timing belt breaks in your engine, everything grinds to a halt. In fact, it can cause irreparable damage to your engine. Cylinders can seize up. Valves can bend. (At this point many of you may say “I don’t have a clue what you are talking about.) Let me put it another way, your car won’t work. This is like life. We may not understand all the details of what’s broken, but we know it’s not working. 
When Jesus redeems us, He brings us back in sync with God’s purposes and design. And He places us in this amazing community called the Church. In it, His design for each of us is fulfilled once again. We give and we receive. He is the head of it all and we are working together in tandem with Him. And our original purpose of enjoying and overseeing the created order is continued in a grace-empowered way. And it brings great joy and wholeness to us all. 

  • I praise You, Lord for giving Your Church so many gifts, including the gift of __________ which has touched me deeply. (v. 4) 
  • I rejoice Father that you have placed me where you wanted me to be, using the gift of __________ for Your glory. (v. 18) 
  • Because You have formed the Body, I will always seek to have equal concern for all, including __________ who is so different from me. (v. 23-25) 
  • Lord, I will always remember that my gift of __________ is for the common good, and not to draw attention to me. (v. 7) 
  • Lord, forgive me for thinking the gift of __________ is more important than the gift of __________.  Help me to see the value of all gifts. (vv. 15-18) 
  • Lord, I pray against any division in our church or the Church of WNY about gifts and their uses. (v. 25) 
  • Lord, lead us in the most excellent way to use our gifts, through the gift of love for one another. (v. 31) 

Prayer Guide: Friday, January 7


Prayer Guide: Wednesday, January 5