Prayer Guide: Wednesday, January 5

Multiplication of Leadership: A Prayer Guide in Preparation for 2022

This prayer guide is given for us to seek the face of our Father together as we enter 2022. Our theme for this year is the multiplication of leadership. Each day the focus is on one of the areas of leadership we will be discussing throughout the year.

Please read the Scripture of the day and read the little devotional. Then use at least one of the prayer prompts in each section. We are following the “four x four” pattern of prayer:

Reverence: Praising God for something He has shown us about Himself.
Response: Responding to what God has shown us, to do His will.
Requests: Asking Him for healing of relationships and resources to accomplish His will.
Readiness: Asking God to lead us to accomplish it.

Photo by Keren Fedida on Unsplash

Wednesday, January 5: 
Psalm 1

Besides our homes, our friendships are some of the most influential relationships we have. They help form us. As one sage put it, “Be careful who you hang with because you will become like them.” 
That is why we are given the prescription for a blessed or happy life in Psalm 1 by David. He clearly outlines who you don’t want to hang with (wicked, sinners, mockers) and who you do want to hang with (those who join you in delighting on the law of the Lord, or the Bible). 
Years ago I took our children on a ride and parked in front of the county jail. I asked them who the average person in the jail would say is to blame for them being there? Naively, they thought the person would say they themselves are to blame. I told them I have visited the jail. Most people in there blame their parents, their lawyers, the society, or snitching friends for being there. Not themselves. And for some, it was being with the wrong people, at the wrong place, at the wrong time. 
A tree planted by streams of water is strong, grounded, and has all it needs to be continually fruitful. Even when the area around it is dry, its leaves do not wither because it is drinking from the stream and in us that is the truth of God’s Word. 
So, choose your friends wisely. The outcome of this one choice is a clear contrast. Be Blessed!!

  • Thank You, Lord for how Your Word provided __________ when I was struggling in a dry time. (v. 3) 
  • Lord, thank You for watching over my way when _________. (v. 6) 
  • To walk with You Lord, I will stop __________. (v. 1) 
  • I will delight in Your Word by __________. (v. 2) 
  • Lord, I ask that You produce the fruit of wisdom in my life so I can rightly deal with __________. (v. 3) 
  • Lord, I feel like I am drying up in the area of __________; use Your Word to refresh me. (v. 3) 
  • Lord cause us to produce Your fruit in season as we remain planted in You. (v. 2) 


Prayer Guide: Thursday, January 6


Prayer Guide: Tuesday, January 4