Prayer Guide: Friday, January 7

Multiplication of Leadership: A Prayer Guide in Preparation for 2022

This prayer guide is given for us to seek the face of our Father together as we enter 2022. Our theme for this year is the multiplication of leadership. Each day the focus is on one of the areas of leadership we will be discussing throughout the year.

Please read the Scripture of the day and read the little devotional. Then use at least one of the prayer prompts in each section. We are following the “four x four” pattern of prayer:

Reverence: Praising God for something He has shown us about Himself.
Response: Responding to what God has shown us, to do His will.
Requests: Asking Him for healing of relationships and resources to accomplish His will.
Readiness: Asking God to lead us to accomplish it.

Friday, January 7: 2 Timothy 2:1-13

One of the best practices of leadership is mentoring. We all have those around us we can learn from, and we all have people around us we can pour into. Failure to practice the first part shows a lack of humility, as if we know it all, and failure to practice the second demonstrates a lack of gratitude. 
Paul encouraged Timothy to be strong and take all he had heard Paul say over and over again in front of others, find other men who would be able to teach others, and entrust those truths to them. It is a mentor releasing the one has mentored to take the next step in passing things on to others. And the pattern continues. It is how the Gospel has come down to us. 
He also uses three meaningful analogies to illustrate things to Timothy. A soldier obeys his commanding officer and avoids civilian affairs. Runners win only by following the rules of the race. Farmers receive the benefit of the harvest first. All of these apply so well to our lives as Christ followers. 
Through the rest of the chapter he exhorts him, directs him, and tells him to remind others of these things, etc. All of these are mentoring approaches to help Timothy succeed. And he does just that as pastor of the Ephesian church. 

  • I praise You for Your grace Lord that has strengthened me by __________. (v. 1) 
  • Thank You for showing Your faithfulness to me Lord through __________. (v. 13) 
  • I will be obedient to You Lord by __________ as a soldier would be to his commanding officer. (v. 4) 
  • I will remember the power that raised Jesus from the dead when __________. (v. 8) 
  • Lord help me to truly learn the truths I have heard repeatedly from __________. (v. 2) 
  • Lord, lead me to three trustworthy people that I can teach what I have learned to them. (v. 2) 
  • __________, __________, __________ 
  • Help me to reflect on the truth of this passage and give me insight so that I may honor You in my life. 


Prayer Guide: Saturday, January 8


Prayer Guide: Thursday, January 6