Prayer Guide: Sunday, January 2

Multiplication of Leadership: A Prayer Guide in Preparation for 2022

This prayer guide is given for us to seek the face of our Father together as we enter 2022. Our theme for this year is the multiplication of leadership. Each day the focus is on one of the areas of leadership we will be discussing throughout the year.

Please read the Scripture of the day and read the little devotional. Then use at least one of the prayer prompts in each section. We are following the “four x four” pattern of prayer:

Reverence: Praising God for something He has shown us about Himself.
Response: Responding to what God has shown us, to do His will.
Requests: Asking Him for healing of relationships and resources to accomplish His will.
Readiness: Asking God to lead us to accomplish it.

Photo by Szilvia Basso on Unsplash

Sunday, January 2:
Psalm 32:1-11

Taking stock of life, assessing where we have been, where we are and where we are headed, is an essential part of leadership. It is actually an essential part of wise living. 

David writes openly about the blessedness and joy that comes from the confession of our sin and the forgiveness that comes from the Lord. The weight is lifted off of us and we find ourselves in a happy, protected place where the waters of life do not overcome us. He counsels us on our path of life with a loving eye on us. 

I remember as a young boy feeling I could take on anything and anyone, as long as my dad was standing there with me. He was bigger than life to me and his presence gave me confidence. That is what it is like knowing my Heavenly Father is keeping a watchful eye over me. 

He reminds us not to be stubborn, like a mule in our response to the Lord. It only brings trouble. But the Lord’s love wraps around us like a warm blanket, keeping us secure in the cold realities of life. It frees us to sing and rejoice!

Where are you now? Do you have experiences to give thanks for? Sin to be confessed? Secrets you’ve been living that need revealed? Counsel from the Lord to be followed?

  • I praise You, Lord for being the God who has forgiven my sin of __________. (v. 1-2)
  • Thank You, Lord for watching over me with Your loving eye when __________. (v. 8)
  • Lord, I confess my sin of __________; please forgive me. (v. 5)
  • Lord, I will run to You as my hiding place as I face __________. (v. 7)
  • Please instruct me and teach me about __________ so I know what to do and which way to go. (v. 8)
  • Lord, help me to trust You with __________ because I know Your love surrounds me. (v. 10)
  • Lord, I rejoice in You because __________. (v. 11)


Prayer Guide: Monday, January 3


Prince of Peace