The Invitation

by Judy Tallman

“May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

It’s nice to receive an invitation to a celebration. During the holidays there are many parties. But there’s only one invitation worth focusing on: the invitation to follow Jesus. He is the only way to Heaven. He is God’s only plan for us, for our redemption and reconciliation to God.

Do you know God’s story? It’s not just about the birth of Jesus which is celebrated at Christmas. Throughout the Bible, God shows His great love for us. It’s a story of Hope. It’s the story of Jesus. Jesus is our Hope. To trust Jesus means to follow Him. Jesus said to His disciples “follow me”, and they left EVERYTHING to do it, so they would be filled by Him. I want to be filled with Him. I’m tired of the emptiness that this world offers without Him. I want to go to Heaven.

To fill something, it must be empty. If it is already full, how can anything else be poured into it? It will just run off the top. We need to empty ourselves of ourselves, so Jesus can fill us with what really matters.

God loves us so much. He gave the gift of His only son, so that when Jesus becomes our EVERYTHING as our Savior, only then are we filled by the power of the Holy Spirit and know the peace and joy that surpasses all understanding. Once we receive this gift … the BEST gift ever, His love will overflow through us to others as we share this Good News.

Jesus wants us. Accept His invitation. He is waiting for You.

Lord, may Your invitation be accepted. Help us to follow You and let go of EVERYTHING so we can be filled with You and receive the gift of eternal life, taking hold of Your hand and walking with You in this life ... Heaven bound. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Merry CHRISTmas! Amen.

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Child of God