Divine Appointment

by Helen Black

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

One morning I received a call from my 85-year-old sister asking me to take her to a doctor’s appointment that afternoon. I drove an hour out to her home to pick her up for her appointment.

My sister had been on constant oxygen since her recent hospital release. When I reached her home, I expected to load up my car and drive to the appointment. Her appointment was scheduled just the day before, for that reason I was concerned that the appointment was urgent.

You can imagine how upset I was when I found no oxygen flowing from the last tank, her others were used up the day before. I had to reschedule my sister’s appointment. More oxygen was on the way, so I decided to stay with her, and we relaxed as she breathed comfortably.

While we waited, my sister stated she found it interesting that most people ignore what is important. In that moment, it seemed like the perfect time to ask what she believes happens when we die. She responded to my question with, “Get buried.” I then asked about what she believe happens to our spirit and where we spend eternity. She stated that she didn’t know. From our conversation I learned she believed that salvation is achieved through Jesus plus works with no assurance of Heaven.

Over the next hour, I shared scriptures about the gift of eternal life and discussed that by faith, we need to accept the gift. We read about the criminal who believed and that very day he would be with Jesus in paradise. After our discussion she clearly expressed her belief and relief. She thanked me with tears for explaining what she had never heard. The Holy Spirit had prepared her to receive the truth!

The oxygen company came and resolved the problem with her tank; it had only about three hours in it! If I had hooked it up, it could have run out before we got back to her home and there was no spare tank! Now I clearly understand why I could not get that tank to work! Praise the Lord for another answer to my prayers for opportunities to share the gospel. It is through these opportunities I was able to share the gospel and two of three sisters now believe.

Heavenly Father, thank You for these opportunities to ask questions and speak Your truth into lives. We know it is by Your saving grace alone that we have been redeemed, Amen.

Return to blog.ehwc.org for a new Advent devotional December 1-25!  


Above Reproach


The Invitation