Above Reproach

by Dom Mincer

“Mark the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace.” Psalm 37:37 

What comes to mind when you hear this verse? For me two words stick out, “Mark” and “Blameless.” First off, the word “Mark” is an important indicator to listen up and pay close attention to the words that will follow, for they will make life a lot easier. Blameless sticks out to me because as humans we know we can never be blameless, so why is that word used?

I grew up in church. I went to all the youth events, served in children’s ministry, and focused my time on growing in God. I always knew I was different, because I never had a desire to be rebellious. I had a passion for God, and I didn’t care if my friends didn’t like it.

If you know anything about the strained relationship between God and the world, you know it isn’t easy to be a Christian. Not just the temptation but the glares, mocking, and looks of disgust from choosing to be different than the mainstream. My conflict was in the form of worldly friends who couldn’t seem to understand my desire to serve God. I praise God for giving me strength to focus on Him instead of with wanting to be my friend’s version of “cool” and “fun.”

I think we stress ourselves out thinking we must be perfect for God. This verse’s intention is certainly not to imply that we should watch those around us who seem blameless, because we are all just trying to figure life out. What David is trying to say in this verse is to note the people around us and learn, to be a person who is above reproach. We will mess up, be tempted, but don’t forget God gave you His strength to avoid situations, actions and thoughts that are separate from Him.

Seeking peace in our life will spread to all aspects of our mind, body, and soul. Peace allows us freedom to worship God without anything hindering us. We can be separate from the world and be glad in it. This verse allowed me as a young girl and young woman to be excited to press forward in God and not be sad that I was “missing out” on my worldly desires. This verse is an explicit command to seek out those who desire to be blameless or above reproach. When we follow God, we become a new creation in Him.

God, thank You for the command in this verse. You assure us that those who keep their eyes on You will be given an amazing future. Thank You for allowing us to be a part of Your kingdom. Amen. 

 Return to blog.ehwc.org for a new Advent devotional December 1-25! 


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