Child of God

 by Sandra Zang

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9 

I recently had the pleasure of vacationing in Disney World with my family. Recounting a moment at the Magic Kingdom, I observed an interesting interaction between a mother and son. Likely affected by long lines in the scorching Florida heat, this parent’s nerves (and credit cards) were clearly maxed out. At that moment, she and her child were lightyears away from a feeling of peace in the “happiest place on Earth.”

As adults, we have a lot to contend with. Some of us have young children, aging parents, challenging family members, insecurity with our jobs, busier-than-ever schedules, financial concerns, health issues, etc. In a world filled with sin, stress, short tempers, and egocentric views, it’s often hard to maintain a peaceful response in the midst of all these external pressures that we encounter. It seems that there’s always something, or someone that can frustrate us enough to become agitated and defensive, even if it’s someone that we love. 

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught the crowds about how to live a life that is pleasing to God, one that is full of love, grace, discernment, and wisdom, a life that honors our Creator. He called us to be peacemakers, knowing that this world would not be easy to navigate, knowing that we could only do this with His help. 

We certainly are not peacemakers by our own merit. All too often, toxic and selfish thoughts of pride and arrogance reign in our minds as we seek to prove that we are not weak. This mentality is not a reflection of the peace and harmony that God intends for us to have. Thankfully, by the grace of God, we have the capability to choose peace. Because we have accepted His sacrifice and believe in His resurrection, we can bring His peace, security, and rest to any situation. We can move beyond frivolous matters, speak the truth in love, offer an apology, maintain a gentle demeanor, and bring resolution and healing where it is needed. 

Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, You are all-powerful and loving. Being a peacemaker has never been an easy task, especially when life becomes difficult, yet you’ve commanded us to make peace. Thank You for reminding me that being called a “child of God” is far more rewarding than winning any argument. Please guide my thoughts, actions, and words to honor and glorify your Holy name, and to spread peace and love to others. Amen.

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