The Beauty Surrounding Us

by Catherine Forgnone

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

As Christians we are supposed to have inner peace, but we live in a world that is anything but peaceful. The political arena is ugly. Rude comments on social media are commonplace. There is turmoil and strife wherever we turn. So where do we find peace in these crazy times?

We can feel more peace just by being kind to others. Starting right now, I will extend the peace of God to others. I will be kind to rude people. As written in the hymn by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” We also can have more peace by being grateful. A grateful heart is a peaceful heart.

Look for the blessings in your life and thank God for them. We need to be intentional about looking for the beauty surrounding us every day. Each season offers something to soothe our souls. In winter, diamonds sparkle in the snow on cold mornings. Spring brings forth new life in nature all around us. Twinkling fireflies light up warm summer nights. The landscape is painted in vibrant colors by God’s own hand in autumn. Despite all the chaos around us, life is filled with pleasures and beauty which can bring peace to our soul.

Before the new year begins, I ask God to give me a word to focus on for the next twelve months. It’s a word to guide me, change me and help me grow closer to God. I believe my word for 2022 will be peace!
God, thank You for showing me ways to bring more of Your peace into my life daily. Remind me to slow down and appreciate the beauty surrounding me. I trust You to help me exchange my troubled heart for a peaceful heart in 2022. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Return to for a new Advent devotional December 1-25!

Choosing Him

