
As we prepare for the 2021 season of Advent, I found myself in search of peace. This year has brought an increase in divisiveness and civil unrest. Many of us have faced or felt an increase of animosity because we bear Christ’s name. Perhaps several of you have had to take a firm stance in relationships and draw new boundaries. This undoubtedly can lead our hearts to feel heavy and discouraged.

No matter the adversity we face, we must continue in confidence for the sake of Christ. Let us remember that within the chaos, Christ is in control. Only He can provide the perfect peace for pressing forward toward the finish line. Despite what the world is saying and doing I pray you are able to lean into Jesus this Advent season and feel His presence and His peace.

Each day of this devotional provides a unique opportunity to take time to quiet your heart and mind so you may focus on God’s word. Daily, starting on December 1 and continuing to December 25, you will read beautifully written devotions centered on scripture and women’s experiences relating to the passages. This year’s theme is peace; we all want our lives to be in balance and to truly experience peace. We may search ourselves, our experiences, our relationships to find peace, but there is only one place you will find long-lasting, unexplainable, incomparable peace … Jesus! I pray that this devotional provides you the ability to slow down and take in His peace that He so freely offers.

I would like to say thank you to each of our authors. We are blessed that these ladies were willing to share their talent to make this devotional heartfelt and meaningful. It is through their hearts, their experiences, and their love for God that makes this devotional what it is, thank you!

I pray your lives reflect God’s promises of peace this Advent season and always.

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” Isaiah 26:3

Merry Christmas,
Ashlee Tomaro, Director of Women’s Ministry

Return to for a new Advent devotional December 1-25!

The Beauty Surrounding Us


Abiding in Advent