Abiding in Advent

Donna Zangara / Executive Director of Next Generation Ministries

Can you feel it? That holiday spirit is in the air!

I can see it and smell it when I walk into the stores. I want to deck the halls of my house and cozy up every nook and cranny. I feel my spirit filling with gratitude for the gift of Jesus. I LOVE the Advent season. I love the posturing it prompts in our hearts. To be preparing and waiting. My heart automatically becomes full of wonder, and I start the process of asking myself, “What am I waiting on God for this Advent?”

Over these many, many years I’ve had on earth (did I say many?), I have learned that God is always doing something new. Just when you think you’ve seen a lot, and you might be saying, “yeah, I’m in a good place.” Something moves. Something changes. And sometimes those new things bring challenges and pain until God brings everything around full circle for that NEW thing He is doing.

This year God is doing this thing in my family. It started out pretty rough. But the Lord has comforted me. He is assuring me that this mess will one day be a message and this test is going to be an incredible testimony. I just need to wait. Easier said than done sometimes, am I right?

A word that has been profoundly guiding me is the word ABIDE. It keeps popping up in my devotions and scripture reading. I looked up the dictionary definition.
/əˈbīd/ verb
To bear patiently, tolerate, to endure without yielding, withstand, to wait for, to accept without objection.

As believers, the great news is … we don’t have to wait/abide alone, or in our own strength!

John 15 reassures us that the Lord is the vine, and we are the branches. It simply implies that as we abide in Him, He is connected to us. Filling us with everything we need. Nourishing our souls in the waiting. Protecting our roots as we weather through. Sustaining us until there is fruit.

What are you waiting for this Advent season? Where do you need to see God’s fruit?

Brothers and sisters that are in a time of waiting, my prayer for you (and myself) is that you stay so connected to Him through this Christmas season that He sustains your every need. Apart from Him we do nothing. When we remain in His love and obey His commands, He promises He will fill us with joy! Joy overflowing! Just in time for Christmas.




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