Grand Openings

Joni Canastraro / Graphic Designer

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The other day I was shopping at a local Aldi’s Grand Opening. When I went to purchase some chicken, I was surprised to find very little on the shelves. In fact, the shelves were as empty as I recalled during the pandemic. My thoughts were, "Gee, this is some grand opening, why in the world did I bother coming?"

At that moment, an older gentlemen walked up to the case and shook his head. He looked at me and said, “this is the end.” Without hesitation I said, “yes it very well could be, but this is not the end for those who trust that our Father in heaven has a plan.” I continued to say that our hope lies beyond this world and for those of us who believe in God the Father and that He sent His Son to die for us, then this is not the end, it is just the beginning. I then reiterated the simple truth of putting our trust in Christ in order to live with peace now and for eternity.

He looked a little surprised at my response but agreed with what I said. I cannot tell you where this man is on his faith journey, but I know that God opened a door and allowed me to speak into his life. Perhaps it was a “Grand Opening” of sorts for this man’s heart. Only God knows.

“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”
1 Peter 3:15

Abiding in Advent


Breathe, Just Breathe