Choosing Him

by Jean Mattingly

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:17-18

I am not going to lie. Sometimes I want to repay evil for evil. I mean, really, who doesn’t have a little retaliation well up in them when someone does something hurtful? I can muster a defense of self-righteousness quickly and easily justify how they will deserve the wrath of my anger.

Oh, but God. He brings me to my knees in those moments and He draws me to Himself. How is it He can convict in His loving arms and leave you feeling loved and protected, even from yourself and your foolishness. It is then that I repent that I would allow thoughts of evil retribution to occupy the same place that I experience God’s love. And I am grateful that He keeps me from doing what I don’t really want to do.

How can I condemn others when I swim in a sea of mercy and grace? How can I not choose to show them the loving kindness that I have known? How can I not choose to be a bridge to Him, that all may know the peace that transcends this crazy life, pandemics and all that tries to destroy.

Do you know Him? Do you run after Him? Do you choose to allow all you know about Him to permeate through you? Oh, that He would be our reality, our defense, our comfort that truly we might do right and live at peace with everyone.
Heavenly Father, I praise You. I stand humbled by Your loving ways, Your forgiveness, Your kindness to us. I confess that I am unable to do any of this on my own. But in You, I find all I need to follow Your ways. Oh Father, have Your way in us. Amen.

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