Special Delivery from The Good Shepherd

by Roxy Stark

“And the shepherds returned, glorifying, and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told to them.” Luke 2:20

For the shepherds it was an ordinary night, doing an ordinary job under an expansive sky filled with thousands of tiny lights. In one moment, the Maker of those heavenly lights would send a multitude of heavenly host to declare to the lowliest of their society that PEACE had been delivered to those whom He was pleased with … to them.

The Good Shepherd sent His heavenly messengers to the earthly shepherds to announce a baby has been born. This baby would not be just any ordinary baby, but a Savior ... He would be known as The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

The shepherds left in haste saying, “Let us go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.” The angels declared that the baby would be found lying in a manger. The shepherds most likely began their search in a place they would be most familiar with, Migdal Eder, The Tower of the Flock. Here the sacrificial lambs would be birthed and cared for to be spotless and without blemish. These lambs would serve as sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins.

Mary had given birth to Jesus in a stable when the first visitors arrived. Only God would send messengers to remind and encourage them to reveal the bigger story. Mankind would be redeemed because of this perfect sacrificial lamb. Imagine everything the shepherds shared … the angels and the message! Both Mary and Joseph were well accustomed to angelic visitation and dreams.

That night worship unfolded. Peace had been delivered. Has there ever been a time when your ordinary was interrupted by an encounter with the living God? Have you been able to pause in the middle of the mundane and lift your eyes to the hills and see where your help comes from? The Prince of Peace has arrived and is waiting to be Lord over your circumstances. He is who He says He is. God is good and He loves you so much! Although we may not experience an angelic visitation, we can be the ones to share the good news of all the ways we have seen the Lord working around us.

Lord help us to Trust You, Your plans, and tell those we come in contact with of Your goodness, love, grace and peace. We, like the shepherds, run towards You with haste, with praise and worship! Amen.

Return to blog.ehwc.org for a new Advent devotional December 1-25! 


Prince of Peace


Two Simple Instructions