Messengers of Peace

by JoAnn Kelsch

“Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14

This passage records the praises of the angels on the night of Jesus’ birth. God’s redemptive plan had begun, and their message announced the arrival of Immanuel – God with us!

The angels’ joy overflowed, it was a testament of God’s glory and brought greetings of peace. Their audience was a group of shepherds, common folk, who were going about their daily routine when their ordinary witnessed the extraordinary.

The message the shepherds heard inspired them. They went in search of the Messiah and found Jesus just as the angel described. And in His presence, the shepherds were also filled with joy. It overflowed, prompting them to bring this good news to the people of Bethlehem. Their invitation: come and see Jesus.

Many years later, Jesus had another divine encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well. In His presence she found compassion and the peace she longed for. She was the first person to whom Jesus revealed that He is the Messiah. Overjoyed, she shared this good news with others, extending the same invitation: come and see Jesus.

Just like these first messengers, we are also part of God’s plan to bring this good news to others – to extend the invitation to come and see Jesus. God has entrusted us with His message of hope and peace during these unsettling times. This advent season, Jesus will provide opportunities for us to pour out His love, joy, and peace to bless others. Let’s continue that first Christmas tradition by bringing the message of peace to a world in need.

Lord Jesus, throughout history You have empowered ordinary people like us to proclaim Your extraordinary message of hope and peace. During this advent season, please open our eyes to see those who are in need of Your peace. May we be faithful to extend Your invitation: to come and see the Messiah. May the joy and peace that we experience in You overflow into the lives of others so that they will know You – our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!

Return to for a new Advent devotional December 1-25!  




The Bible’s First Prophecy = Peace