Take Time

Mike Dwyer / Executive Pastor of Operations and Care

Photo by Joel Mott on Unsplash

This August, Karen and I spent some vacation time with my children and grandchildren in a house in Champion, Pennsylvania. Also, my youngest son gifted us with airline tickets to go and see our daughter, Kristin, her husband, Jason, and our two beautiful granddaughters (Adeline, 6 and Eve, 2) in Lakewood, California. 

We had not seen our granddaughter Eve since she was 4 months old. In the interim there was COVID and as many of you heard Eve swallowed a lithium battery and badly burned her esophagus. Seeing her running around, smiling, singing and just being a regular 2-year-old reminded me of God’s grace. (I had to watch the new movie, VIVO, at least ten times!)

Eve is doing well, and I want to thank God again and again; but also all of you for your payers. She is doing well and by all accounts is enjoying the normal life of a healthy 2-year-old. In fact, the whole vacation (in both Pennsylvania and California) allowed me to slow down and see His grace everywhere.

I am reminded throughout Scripture that God is the God of all grace and is the Giver of grace (James 1:17). We abound in the gifts of His grace and find our strength and consolation in it. I want to encourage each of you to slow down, quiet yourselves and learn to revel in this amazing grace. The beauty of this world is a wonderful gift to us. Cherish it and interact with it, so that you may see God. The richness of God’s grace is made manifold in His creation. I had forgotten the beauty of the night sky and the majesty of the waves crashing in on the California shoreline. These wonders and diversity attest to His love for us and many things. 

Take time to speak with Jesus. He was full of grace and spoke with an astonishing grace (see Luke 4:22). Take time to allow yourselves to “marinate” in His words. Steal time away from your frenzied days to walk with Him and speak with Him. It is my prayer for each of you that you would grow in His grace and become complete in it, reveling in the joy and promises of His love.

Small Voice … Great Joy!


Focusing on the Truth