All My Marbles

Carey Dugan / Preschool Finance and Resource Coordinator

I have lost my all my marbles!

I am sure most of our church family has heard Miss Donna (Executive Director of Next Gen Ministries) talk about 936 marbles in the jar. We, as parents, have about 936 weeks from the day your child is born until they graduate high school. Each marble is a tiny reminder of one of the 936 weeks we have. This always seemed like so much time until now.

This year our oldest child graduated high school. And now I ask myself all the questions:
Where did all my time go?
Did we raise him right?
Does he know all he needs for the next steps he will take alone?

I really am just worrying myself for no reason. Deep down I know he will be okay. He is a strong, smart, and caring young man. I also know he has God in his heart, and I know God has him. Yes, I do feel like my jar is empty, but I also feel the love of God filling me up with joy.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the amazing gift You have given us, our children. Yes, my marbles are gone but now I have the most precious memories in their place.

The Lord Jesus Is Enough For Me


Power, Shells, and Earworms