Power, Shells, and Earworms

Amy Dawson / Student Ministries Administrative Assistant

Lately God has been blessing me by giving me a song in the morning. It may be a melody, a chorus, or just one line of a song. It becomes an earworm and stays with me for hours, sometimes all day. But this past week I have a song that has stuck with me for days.

Power has been a fascination of mine for years. I admire power when I experience its positive movement in my life. A few of my favorite powerful things are marching bands, aircraft, thunderstorms, and the presence of God.

I am in a season of refinement. God has revealed to me places in my life that I have not entrusted to Him. The Holy Spirit has been persistent in pursuing my heart in entirety. I am currently at summer beach camp, worshiping, learning, and being present with God. I enjoy walking the beach in the morning, searching the shore for unique shells. I have long enjoyed imperfection in objects: shells with holes, cracks, and oddities. This year I am drawn to those shells worn smooth by the water. I like to keep them in my pocket and feel their hard surfaces worn smooth and corners rubbed round by the objects they have been tossed up against. These shells tell a story of the power they have encountered. Worn smooth by God's powerful movement they display His work of transformation with their existence. This is the picture I have of my heart being refined, the rough edges made smooth by God and what He sees fit to allow in my life to wash up against.

“We all experience times of testing, which is normal for every human being. But God will be faithful to you. He will screen and filter the severity, nature, and timing of every test or trial you face so that you can bear it. And each test is an opportunity to trust him more, for along with every trial God has provided for you a way of escape that will bring you out of it victoriously.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 (TPT)

I am mindful of God's movement, of my choice to join with Him as He does a sanctifying work. I want to rush the process, speed up the part that is painful, but in doing so I would miss the blessing. I get to choose to accept or resist His working in my life. Today my choice is to remain present to His working, to miss nothing, to bear the mark of God's power in my life. It is His power that transforms and makes me holy.

As I look around here at camp and see people I have known since I was a child, I see the stories lived out, God's handiwork in so many. I see the faithful prayers of parents answered, bodies healed, the experienced speaking of what God has done and is doing, pastors remaining true to what God has called them to, and families standing strong. May my life declare God's power to others as well.

This is the song that I can't shake this week, maybe it will bless you too:
'Cause Your power's found in the roughest waters 
Where I have no choice but to trust You, Father 
Where my every fear has to surrender 
I will trust in You forever 
Take me there, oh, take me there
Lyrics to the song “Lost in Your Love” by Brandon Lake. You can listen to the song at this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCJihUAL3ig

All My Marbles


Let the Past Go and Let God Lead