Thinking About Legacy

Joe Principato / Video Tech

I always find it interesting that God when sees fit to have our church do a sermon series right when I feel like He is wanting to work on something in me. Our current series “Terminus” is based on the premise of thinking “with the end in mind.” Throughout the past few months, I've had this sense about thinking towards my future. I recently turned 30, and with that came a sense and desire to think about what my future is supposed to look like. More so, I began to think in what I’d like to call “grandpa mode," meaning that I started to ask questions like: “What is it that I should hope to see and speak about to my grandkids in the future?”, and “What should I be doing now to see that through?”

I’ve been going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University study, as well as its sequel study the Legacy Journey, and while the studies have great stuff about finance, Ramsey’s heart is about “changing your family tree.” He speaks often about what Pastor Pat would call the “so that.” You do the 7 Baby Steps so that your family tree is changed, so that your kids and grandkids have a future.

Since Ramsey’s plan is based in biblical principles, it is not hard to make the jump from finance to more spiritual things. My financial budget is good, but what about my spiritual one? Am I making time for God, or am I “overspending” my time on other frivolous things? I’m investing money towards retirement, but am I investing in others through discipleship? I’m looking to buy a house in a few years, but am I ready to lead a household? These are heavy questions for sure, but I am thankful for the church and the body of believers to help with those questions. Just like how you would get a financial advisor to walk with you through your financial goals, the body of Christ is here to walk with you through your spiritual endeavors.

So back to “grandpa mode.” What is it that 30-year-old Joe needs to do now so that my grandkids are set up for success? Whether it would be financially or spiritually, I’m glad to have advisors in my corner to help me think “with the end in mind.”

Till next time Church.

Questioning and Believing


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