The Cost of Owning a Bunny

Ashlee Tomaro / Women’s Ministry Director

Photo by Mohan Khadka on Unsplash

I got the inspiration for this engaging story while I was cleaning the hutch of our pet bunny, Lola. I thought about how my daughter wanted to be a bunny owner with all of her heart. My husband and I made sure we told her about all the responsibilities attached to being a bunny mom, the fun and not-so-fun tasks she would have to complete.

After telling her about the various care tasks associated with being a bunny owner, my daughter was so excited for this new opportunity. As some parents do, we foolishly obliged with my daughter’s request. Fast forward four months later, my daughter’s enthusiasm has waned, and I find myself cleaning up the endless supply of bunny turds.

Thinking about our bunny situation made me think of Luke 14:28, when Jesus tells us to count all the cost before we begin following him. Obviously, my silly bunny story pales in comparison to making a commitment that changes your eternity. My daughter did not fully consider what it meant to have a pet until she was asked to take care of it; she was focused on the initial excitement, not the follow through.

As Christians, how often do we find ourselves in a similar situation? We are excited about dedicating our lives to Christ, we see amazing things happen in our lives and those around us, but at some moment our excitement wanes. Being a follower is not always as easy as what we initially think. We are called to live boldly and follow in faithful obedience. We are often called to do difficult tasks that may not be considered glamourous or fun. Although the path to follow Jesus is difficult, it is worth it. Count the cost and commit, your eternity is resting on this decision. At the end of the day, you either own a bunny or you do not. There is no middle ground.

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