Friends Are Friends Forever

Peggy Farrington / Office Manager, Spiritual Formation and Congregational Care Administrative Assistant

Photo by REVOLT on Unsplash

And friends are friends forever 
If the Lord's the Lord of them 
And a friend will not say never 
'Cause the welcome will not end 
Though it's hard to let you go 
In the Father's hands we know 
That a lifetime's not too long 
To live as friends

I was recently reminded of this song by Michael W. Smith. I have been intentionally spending time with a very close friend who is getting ready to move out of town. As fun as our various outings have been, they have come to an end and it is time for her to move. It has been a friendship of encouragement, love, and prayer for each other.

God gently reminded me of this song, and it made me pause to think. What is going to change? Nothing but 1,300 miles! Friends are friends forever … we just need to continue to be intentional.

Who has God put in your life that you need to be intentional about spending time with? Life is so busy with our own agenda. But it is so important for us to spend time with other believers. To encourage, to love, and to pray for each other. Be intentional! You won’t regret it!

The Cost of Owning a Bunny


Seriously. Really.