Catch His Rhythm

Justin Jones / Executive Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Strategic Development
Photo by Daniel Sorm on Unsplash

It seems as though the intensity of the world continues to ratchet up. The world has become increasingly unbelievable to many people I’ve been talking to. Lines that you never thought would be crossed are crossed, truth about situations has become increasingly difficult to figure out, and in some ways it feels like we are living in a sci-fi movie.

In my life, I have experienced that same confusion and frustration, but have also been buoyed this past year by the many ways in which God has shown up in our church and in situations around me. As we have sought to be faithful and united in our ministry to those in our church and community, we have seen God do incredible things – transformed lives, new opportunities, increased team unity, a stronger foundation for ministry, etc. It has been so exciting to see those within our church community stand up strong in the midst of the insanity of the past year on so many fronts. Especially as we enter a new season of ministry where there is fresh vision for our church, “Immeasurably More,” it feels like God is unleashing a “spirit-empowered movement” in so many ways. But God reminded me how close we need to stay to His heart to see that movement through.

I was recently standing next to Lake Ontario, praying and asking God why my prayer life has felt silly or stale recently despite all of these amazing things happening around me. As I watched and listened to the waves coming in, He said, “Catch my Rhythm.” Two of the statements we keep saying during this season are “Moments Multiply Movement” and “Movement Multiplies Moments.” When I look at a wave, I think about the movement it has as it steadily comes toward the shore. Sometimes the wave goes up and sometimes it goes down. But what I sensed God was saying to me is, that like that wave, no matter where we are (whether up or down), He is moving. Our responsibility is not to try to control the wave. We have no power over it anyways. Our job is to simply listen for Him more, praise Him more, and “Catch His Rhythm” – understand what He is doing and what we should be doing in the midst of the ups and downs.

This was encouraging to me and a good reminder that prayer is as much or more about listening as it is about speaking. If you have felt in turmoil, confused, or helpless I pray this encourages you to catch God’s rhythm as well!

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