Our Little Song

Meaghan Randall / Worship Arts Administrative Assistant

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

God, make my life a little song
That comforteth the sad
That helpeth others to be strong
And makes the singer glad
~M. Bethan-Edwards

When I read the above passage, I can't help but think about when my daughter randomly starts to break into a song. Usually from “Frozen.” Nevertheless, she always has a smile on her face, she is usually pretty loud, and she always looks for a reaction from my husband and me. 

The reaction she receives most often is laughter, because the sound of her sweet singing voice brings such an overflow of happiness. Her voice is genuine, authentic and she hides nothing. If the words are incorrect or the tune is not exactly how the song goes, she does not care. That song, in that moment, is bringing her and us so much joy, in such a simple way.

Now, I cannot help but reflect on this scenario in my own life, as an adult who sings. I tend to criticize how the notes are coming out, or if I sing the wrong words or if “I’m” getting a reaction. Is that genuine? Is that being authentic? What am I hiding behind? 

I think God has taught me in this moment, as I write this, that He always wants our true song, our true voice. He does not want us to hide behind a constant struggle to achieve perfection in our praises to Him. Our heart’s song sounds way sweeter to Him. 

Simply put, He just wants our little song. My prayer is that in some way we can all be a little song to someone who needs to hear the joy that comes from singing the truth of Jesus.


Catch His Rhythm

