
Ashley Tom / Next Gen Administrative Assistant 

Photo by Evi Kalemi on Unsplash

This year God has been pressing my heart with the word dependence

What does that mean to me? Why does the word dependence feel so opposite of who I am? These questions have been swirling around in my thoughts, so I decided to press into it.

The word independence means to be free from outside control. The word dependence means a person who relies on another. Yet again my inner soul speaks! I hear freedom and I feel like I’m dancing to my own beat in a field full of sunflowers under a star-filled night sky! Then I hear dependence and all of a sudden I’m trapped in a dungeon with no light and a dampness that surrounds. What is the battle going on inside of me?

God then speaks gently, “my love, I am the vine, you are the branches, if you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. But apart from me, you can do nothing.’ (John 15:5) He then says, “pride, my sweet girl, will keep you always at an arms distance away. I desire closeness with you … to speak to your thoughts, in your doubts, in your excitement, in your fears and in your aspirations.”

This year I want to become fully, wholeheartedly dependent on Him. I want there to be peace and comfort when I hear that word. I need Him, I desire Him, and I place myself where I belong … at His feet … knowing that without Him I can do nothing.

Our Little Song


Hearing Through Music and Finding Truth