With Blinds Drawn

Peggy Farrington / Office Manager/Administrative Assistant

Photo by Erika Osberg on Unsplash

We recently started a new session of GriefShare. As many years as I have led this class, there are certain lessons that stick out to me as “ah-ha” moments.

For example, when we are walking through the journey of grief, there may be times when God feels distant from us. The analogy they use in the class is that of a dark basement on a sunny day. Imagine the sun is brightly shining outside, but you are standing in a pitch-dark basement with the blinds drawn. 

It doesn’t mean that the sun has stopped shining. There is something at that moment that is blocking your ability to see the sun. That is what grief can do to us. Grief can block our ability to feel the presence of God. But it doesn’t mean He isn’t there. 

It isn't only grief that can block our ability to feel the Lord. What journey are you walking today? Are the blinds drawn in your life? Let me assure you that Jesus is walking that journey with you today. You may not feel Him, but He loves you very much and is walking every single step with you! You are not alone today!

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10


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