This How I Fight My Battles

Ashlee Tomaro / Women’s Ministry Assistant

“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

This past summer was a whirlwind filled with uncertainty and sprinkled with quite a bit of questions. Like many parents, I found myself trying to wrap my head around what the school year was going to look like for my daughter. As we approached the first day of school, I started to feel anxious and unsure about our schooling decision. My questions and concerns weighed heavy on my heart.

It was in the quiet hours of the morning as I was still, I prayed once more before I woke the kids to start our first day back to school. As I finished praying, I opened my Bible app to the verse of the day, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” It was in that moment I felt God tell me that He is going to work everything out for His good and there was to be “no vacancy” for anxiety and uncertainty to dwell in my heart. Just as He has promised, He delivered peace for the day. 

Enduring Hero


With Blinds Drawn