H“itching” to Go

Joni Canastraro / Graphic Designer

During the pandemic this summer, the kids and I were invited to join our cousins on a few camping excursions in their 34-foot Glamper Camper. Some of these adventures included canoeing on the Delaware River, fishing on a lake in the Pocono Mountains, swimming in the Long Island sound, small wildlife rescue attempts (birds and a bullfrog) and of course sitting around a roaring campfire. The memories we made will no doubt last a lifetime. My daughter sweetly referred to this summer as the “best summer she can remember!”

Considering this year was a far cry from the best year I can remember, hearing my daughter’s joy-filled words made me so incredibly thankful and I could not help but agree with her. It truly was a remarkable summer.

I never considered myself the “camper-type” but after this summer I quickly became a believer as I observed families spending endless, non-video time together. It was simple, relaxing and fun … and for sure, a way to forget about a world that was far from simple, relaxing and fun. It was a new way for me to connect with my Creator. Acts 17:28 came to mind as I reminisced, “In Him we live and move and have our being.”

I would have never imagined in mid-March that in September I would be talking about the Poconos and not the pandemic. I loved camping so much that after our last trip, I had a hitch installed on my SUV. Now all I need is a little camper for the kids and I and a Spring 2021 destination. I can smell the campfire already!

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” Isaiah 55:1

The Whirlwind


Where is God?