To Fully Live

Ashley Tom / Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash
Taking a deep breath in, sitting at my cottage and looking out onto the water, a peace just washes over me. I get caught up so easily in the demands and the hustle of everyday that I forget to look up and fully be. Just be. To feel the Lord surround me and to feel His presence wash away every worry.

This time in the world has brought to surface the reality of our mortal lives here on earth. There is a last breath that everyone of us is going to take. As I tend to do all too often, I drift off into the future or into the past, but the reality is … the time is now. To fully live, to fully tune into the Holy Spirit’s voice, to be embracing people with love … to fully be!

Last night, I went with my family and my dog to get some ice cream. As we walked around the cute little village, I started to take some deep breaths in. I began thanking God for my dog and my family. Thanking God for the moment. Thanking God for His presence.

As I watch little children, they are so happy to be fully embraced into whatever they are playing. Or all into whatever conversation they are having. They walk up to strangers and strike up conversations with so much love and openness in their heart. That’s the kind of life I want to live. Loving the precious moments that I am blessed to have with the people who surround me. Psalms 139:19 “Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment laid out before a single day passed.” As C.S. Lewis wrote, “God wants a child’s heart with a grown-up’s mind.” May I, may you, may we not take our precious moments and breaths for granted. May we live lives that embrace the moment, the people around us and most of all His peaceful presence.



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