Reach Up

Photo by Will O on Unsplash

As we reach 12 weeks of this order to stay home, I’ve been reflecting. In the beginning weeks, I continued to be inspired and uplifted by choosing to highlight the positive … children getting along, a boy bonding with his father, etc. As the weeks turned into a month, I noticed a growing theme … the joy was receding. Children had less patience with each other, a boy frustrated with his father, and me … desperately trying to hold it all together. I found myself praying more. I found myself reaching out with honesty and finding ways to keep surrounded and supported by my brothers and sisters-in-Christ.

Doing this reminded me that these tools of the enemy – the fear, isolation, the attempts to divide – will not defeat a heart that belongs to God. I see that we can be weakened, that we can be pushed to limits we have not known, but if we continue to reach up to God, He will continue to reach out for us. I know this because I’m living it. Even through the tears of overwhelmed children, I can experience the joy of bonding through prayer. I am being equipped with everything I need to once again see the positive. In what feels like the darkest hour, nearly three months in, I can once again be still.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

To Fully Live


Human Perspective, A Season of Waiting