Human Perspective, A Season of Waiting

Carey Dugan / Next Gen Ministry Assistant

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4

Have you ever prayed to be less busy, work less, just stay home for a day, and have more time with family? What did this look like to you? A quiet takeout dinner, eating at home with the ones you love, easy clean up. No to-do list, maybe watch a movie and drift off to sleep. How perfect.

Is the current pandemic situation what you imagined? Probably not. We are all locked up in our homes with our families. Preparing every meal, homeschooling, constantly cleaning, endlessly (and mindlessly) binge-watching Netflix. When will it all end, I want it to be normal again!

It may seem your heart's desire was denied or maybe even that old saying, “be careful what you ask for.” We decide one thing or outcome would be perfect, but God knew it was not. Our minds tell us our desires or wants, but what our heart truly desires is a relationship with God.

I have been spared the process of learning I may not be the best judge of these desires, or how it will look when or if it happens. I have prayed many times for something I thought I really wanted: children, more time with family, love, and security. Then one day I realized I was thinking more and more about God over the thing or outcome that I wanted.

CS Lewis once wrote, “God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.” I may not know God’s will for the current stay at home situation. But if I ask for God to make my heart delight in Him, He will fulfill it. I may desire for things to be normal, but my heart wants God more.

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