Disease, Demonstrations, and Deception: Why Christians should not forget the devil’s schemes during this season

Justin Jones / Spiritual Formation and Strategic Development Pastor

This whole season of our world has been confusing. One of my great burdens during this time has been that we have lost sight of the reality that Satan could be taking advantage of the chaos of the world and be causing deception. Here is an excerpt from the beginning of a blog post that I recently wrote discussing this. If you would like to read the rest go to https://pastorjustinjones.wordpress.com.

I hesitate to even add to the noise. There has been so much noise in the form of facts, opinions, and conversations in the past couple of months. Proverbs 19:10 says, “When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise.” It is unavoidable that in the fray of shouting back and forth sin will rear its ugly head at some point and that has been evident during this season. Checking out news channels, social media channels, and having conversations with people feels heavy. Some have just walked away from looking at these channels and others that feel the need to be on them often feel like these social landscapes are wastelands right now, full of landmines at every step. In fact, my wife saw a post recently that summarized the current state of affairs for people who are on social media:
Being silent – You’re not supporting the cause, you’re part of the problem.
Speaking up – You’re supporting the cause incorrectly, what about X, Y, and Z?
Spreading positivity – the world is not all sunshine and rainbows, seriously have you not heard of toxic positivity?!
Being a realist – why are you so negative?
Being for protesting – You’re supporting violence.
Being against rioting – You’re more worried about property than lives.
Believing #BlackLivesMatter – Don’t you know all lives matter?
Believing #AllLivesMatter – The issue is not about all lives right now, you’re part of the problem.
Believing #BlueLivesMatter – You support corruption. It’s not their life it’s a job.
What about Covid? – There are bigger problems going on right now. Those affected by Covid don’t matter.
Doesn’t this feel so accurate? Whether it’s been Covid or racial division or any other kind of issue in the world right now, it seems like such a wasteland of thinking and healthy discourse out there.
So why do I feel the need to say something right now? I have had many thoughts over the past days, weeks, and months but when I went to say something on a platform about many of those issues, I realized that what I was going to say was probably not going to add to anything. But the most recent thing that has been on my heart is something that I rarely see anyone talking about and it seems like one of the most important things to say right now. Specifically, I have hoped to see ministry leaders teach on this subject and instead of teaching on the subject I have watched as some of them have seemingly added to the problem I am going to discuss.


Forgiving Mom

