Enjoy the Moments

Mat Dawson / Student Ministries Pastor

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
In the Dawson home we are trying not to be overwhelmed with a busy calendar or buried with the pace of a large family. Between sports, homework, eating, and all other activities it is easy for us to just focus on survival.

As I parked my car the other day, I took a long pause and waited. I breathed deeply, got out of the car and began to walk slowly to the office. The slow journey to the door was both exhilarating and refreshing. The massive white clouds stuck out amongst the blue sky, the wind was strong filling my lungs with the autumn breeze, a plane was roaring in the sky and the smell of fresh cut grass was in the air. I love the change of the seasons and I love fall most of all.

The walk to the door reminded me to stop, pause, and enjoy life. Enjoy the moment that God has given to me; enjoy the smells, enjoy the sights, and enjoy the activities that are jam packed on my calendar. Today is a gift that God has given to us and we need to enjoy that gift to its fullest. Enjoy the people, enjoy the moments, and enjoy the walk with the Lord.

Before and After


A Staging Ground for Care