Exalting My King

 Pastor Robin Schara / Director Global Missions and Women's Ministry

“I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.” Psalm 145:1-2

In November 2018, I traveled with a mission team to Nepal. We spoke at a Pastors’ conference with 400 pastors and their families. Some of them traveled for days from as far away as Tibet to come to this conference. It was humbling to know several of us on the team were being used by God to teach Christians in Nepal about our Savior. Our theme was running the race towards God and for God.

The last few weeks at Eastern Hills Church we have been speaking about imprints. There in Nepal we were on God’s mission to leave an imprint on the souls of the Nepali Pastors. Before our team of speakers came on, we spent time worshiping together with the Nepalese. A team member with her angelic voice led us as we sang together the song, “I Exalt Thee.” A mix of Nepali dialects and English, we were all unified worshiping the One and Only God of Heaven and Earth. The harmony of us all exalting God left a huge impact on me. At that moment in time there was an eternal imprint left on my soul.

Little did I know how I was going to keep reflecting on that moment for many months to come. I left Nepal knowing "exalt" was going to be my word for the year of 2019. God is worthy of our worship and praise but exalting Him for me is to elevate Him above and beyond worship and above and beyond praise. I was determined to exalt Him every day of the year. I had no idea I would fall in December resulting in a severe concussion and traumatic brain injury which was going to cause me eight months of rehab and healing. Exalting Jesus every day allowed me to focus on His greatness and not my injury. Oh how “I Exalt Thee” was so healing for me.

I read Psalm 145 every day. It became very personal to me as I am committed to exalt Him daily. Take a minute to read it and exalt our King through His Word.

Thank you for all your prayers, gifts, meals, calls, and text messages while I was recuperating. It just gave me another reason to exalt God for His people being the church to me. I am grateful to be part of this (church) family.


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