Say Yes To More

by Anieta Hopper / Finance Manager

Photo from Flickr.

Perhaps you’ve seen the Time Warner ad that’s been running on TV lately which asks who would say no to more. Who would say no to a pay increase? Who would say no to more presents? In each situation the person says no. Why even the dog says no to more beef stew!

Well sadly that is too often true of us as North American Christians. We satisfy ourselves with getting passage into heaven by and by while saying no to all that God has in store for us here and now. As children of the Heavenly King our inheritance is vast, deep, broad, rich, full and free. He wants to make Himself known to us, to walk in intimate relationship with us. He wants His glory on display in the hearts and lives of His people. He wants to accomplish His work on earth through us and what greater blessing is there than God Himself?

The ad concludes with “Say yes to more.” My encouragement to you for 2017 is to “say yes to more” – more of His Word, more of seeking to know Him more fully, more of becoming who He wants you to be, more of loving others better, more of being His follower, more of living for others. God has something so much bigger and so much better in store for you and me. Let’s put aside the pursuit of lesser things and join in the passionate pursuit of God. Say “yes” to God.

“But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” Philippians 3:7-8 (NIV)


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