Stress is a Killer

by Pastor Pat Jones

As we all know, stress is a killer. I’ve felt some lately as Pastor Mike has been facing his health challenges along with some of our other staff. The stress felt real. I’ve carried concern for some of our families and individuals I’ve spoken with recently. A few weeks ago, we recorded the lowest offering of my seven years. I have been concerned for the Dawsons as they seek to find a home and get moved here in time to start right after the first of the year. All of us carry stress of varying kinds. And long-term stress can affect everything.

Then I stopped. The familiar words of Philippians 4 rang in my ears, “be anxious for nothing.” So I began to thank the Lord and made my requests known to Him. Yes, I know He already knew. This was more to have my heart and mind hear my declaration of trust. And what happened?

Pastor Mike is doing very well. And the Lord is using his illness for His glory, to witness to a number of people. That offering? Our tellers found that two bags from that week somehow became lodged in the chute of the safe. The following week’s offering reflected what was missed the week before. And to show “exceeding abundantly above what we ask or think” the Lord brought some additional finances in during that week. He is amazing. The family situations? The Dawsons have found a home, though it will take a while to for it to be ready to live in.

Things aren't entirely resolved yet, but in almost every one of them I see the Lord’s hand at work, guiding, assuring, and demonstrating love. My heart is at peace because the Burden Bearer who says “Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for you” is more than capable of handling any and every stressful situation I face.

I encourage you to join me in living without the ill affects of stress by allowing Jesus to sovereignly care for every one of your needs.

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